17. G force issues and all of a sudden our lives are in danger (edited)

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After Zim had admitted his insecurities last week, he became evermore prideful. It was like he was trying to make me forget it or try to "redeem himself" for acting vulnerable in front of a human. It was rather understandable. Zim valued how he appeared to others, no matter how superior he claimed to be over them.

Anyway, He was feeling a little better about me and Lori's friendship. I had introduced the two to one another and, even though it wasnt so smooth at first, the two got along rather well. Lori was very quick to tell him how much I spoke about him. Despite my embarrassment, Zim seemed rather flattered and he grew to like Lori just as much as myself, though he'd never admit it.

Lori thought Zim was funny. She liked the way he phrased his sentences and that he wasnt afraid to be himself. I couldnt agree more.

Speaking of Zim, he was currently banging his fist against my door. "Y/n open the door. I require your assistance!" He yelled, seeming impatient. This must be urgent.

"What's going on?" I opened the door, letting him in. He began pacing.

"I believe I've met an obstacle that comes between me and my mission" he claims, the pacing ceasing to end.

I gave him a questioning hum in response as I let him continue.

"I need a powerful telescope to confirm my suspicions. Do you know anyone that may be able to provide one?" He asked, finally stopping to face me with a hand over his chin in thought.

My brain scanned for anyone I could think of with that kind of technology.

"I only know of one person...but..."

"But?" He urged for me to continue, leaning forward in suspense.

"I dont think you'll like the answer"

Zim paled, realising who I may have been talking about. He let out a growl of frustration.


"It certainly looks powerful enough...but, as you said, it belongs to the Dib human..." he said, analysing the telescope outside of Dibs house. He wore an alien helmet that concealed his eyes. I could only assume they were scanning for information on the telescope.

"So? He seems nice" Gir argued, wrapping his arms around himself in a hugging motion.

"I wouldnt be so sure, hon" I said, glancing down at the little robot. He looked up at me with a cute little tongue sticking out childishly.

"We want to destroy these people! Not ask them for help! The very thought of it makes me....make little sicky noises" he said, unsure of the ending to that sentence.

"You mean, gag?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh...sure whatever..." he shrugged with no hint of care for the real term. I could only chuckle.

Then the ground shook. I would've assumed it was an earthquake if the sky didnt have purple rings pulsing through it. What was causing that?

We made our way to Dibs house, hesitating to even bother with it. Me and Gir waited outside for Zim to finish speaking with Dib. I wonder how hed react?

It wasnt long before Zim came running out. His running slowed to walk but his anger was limitless. He stomped in mine and Girs direction before looking back at the house he just rushed out of.

"Stupid human!" He yelled, mostly to himself.

"Guess he didnt believe you?"

I only recieved a sigh from my green friend before he looked back up at the sky in determination.

"We only have one option. GIR, Y/n! We're taking the voot cruiser out to investigate!"

He turned to face me. I nodded at his words following him in the direction of his base.

"What do you think is going on, Zim? Please dont keep me in the dark!" I asked as he continued to walk ahead with a speedy pace.

His pace slowed a little in order to allow him to see my face. He smirked a little.

"I'm not sure if I should tell you, human. I dont want to scare you"

I almost gawked at the fact that Zim was joking. He usually couldnt process sarcasm so it was certainly strange to hear him use it, let alone correctly.

"I'm sure I can handle it." I claimed with a smile.

He smiled back before telling me that he wants to confirm it first. I nodded in understanding just as Zims green and purple home came into view. Our pace picked up again, Gir full on running.


We all sat in the tiny purple ship. Zim and Gir had removed their disguises. I was also given a special suit and equipment for intergalactic travel. And I couldnt feel more awesome!

"Then you push this button before leaving the vessel. But you shouldn't have to do that today" he said, finishing his instructions for working the suit and it's most important and basic features. I nodded in understanding, taking in his information.

It wasnt long before the ship was ready for take off. I felt much more comfortable in the voot cruiser since the wettening.

Although zim hasn't taken me out in it since, I still felt familiarity settle in the ship. Maybe, now that I had done it, there was nothing to fear from it anymore. At least, that's what I originally thought.

"It's a good thing I fixed the G-Force Compensators on the cruiser before this little trip we're about to take. It was acting kinda funny." Zim said, tinkering with the voots console.

"G force" gir echoed with a giggle.

"Wait, it was what?" I asked just before the voot cruiser was shot upwards, into the sky, like a bullet.

Zim, Gir and myself let out shrill screams as the voot continued speeding into the sky. The pressure pushed us all against our seats. Zim couldnt reach the controls as the voot was high above the city before we could even process it.


we had crashed.

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