Chapter 3

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The sun shined on the emerald green sheets in Belinda's bedroom. The sunlight kissed her honey-glazed hair. The room was so peaceful. She took the silky sheets off her legs and approached the dormitory door. Belinda slowly walked towards the common room. No one was up. She sat on the couch and she noticed a book being lit up by the crack of sunlight behind the curtain. The Power of The Dark Arts. It was Tom's book. She reached out and grabbed the book. She flipped through the broken pages with notes scribbled in the margins. 

Tom's notes read:

Horcruxes?-Broken parts of the soul-Immortality-Power

Unlimited power?

The act of murder needs to be established.

Belinda's eyes widen as she kept flipping through the pages. 

"Hey!" A voice approached from the darkness in the back of the room. 

"That's my book!" Tom Riddle walked up and tried to snatch the book from Belinda. 

"Uh, no, it says Property of Hogwarts Library, so no, it's not yours," Belinda said her hands still holding tightly on the book as Tom lightly brushed against her fingers as a chance to take it from her. 

"Yes, but I'm reading it," replied Tom through gritted teeth. 

"Yes, well now I am," Belinda said in a cool manner which made Tom even angrier. 

Belinda pushed Tom off the book and kept reading. Tom had enough and snatched the book from her hand, giving Belinda a small papercut on her finger. Tom kept walking forward not aware of the cut on Belinda's finger.

She stood up and snatched the book. Tauntingly waving it in the air. 

"Hey! Give it back!" Tom whisper shouted hoping not to wake up the others.

"Stay back!" Belinda said as she held up her bloody finger. 

Tom immediately stepped back and a look of disgust washed over his face. 

"That's disgusting," he said. 

"Well, it's your fault" She snarkily replied

She stepped closer as Tom stepped away, cautiously. 

"Can you get me a plaster?" she asked. 

"I'm not your servant, get it yourself!" he said.

"I don't wanna touch anything! Plus, I would get me a plaster, or some blood might accidentally drop on your very precise notes," she said, smirking, waving her finger above the book. 

Tom scoffed and stomped up to his dorm coming back with a roll of plaster tape on his finger. 

"Here!" he said in a loud whisper. 

Belinda smirked and grabbed the roll of plaster tape and handed Tom his book. 

Tom sat down on the green velvet couch that faced the fireplace, the sun had come out higher making the light shine through the curtains. Tom put his thumb to his temple and his index finger in the middle of his forehead. Belinda studied him. How upset, yet calm he looked. He was running his finger down his notes. He studied his own handwriting. 

"Why are you up so early?" Tom asked breaking Belinda's train of thought. He was flipping aggressively through the pages, examining to see if she had ruined anything. 

Belinda's eyes followed Tom's fingers as he touched the pages of the book. "I've always been an early riser," Tom was dressed and his hair was curly but cleaned over on the side. Tom looked up at her for a split second, and then back at his book. 

"Odd choice in literature Tom," Belinda said sarcastically. 

"Seems you enjoyed it," Tom bluntly replied. Still examining the pages. 

Belinda looked at Tom for one more second before walking up her steps to get dressed for the day. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and rolled them. 

As Belinda was getting dressed she heard the swarm of children start to bundle in the common room. She pulled up her white knee socks and walked back down the curly steps. 

"Hey, Belinda!" Abraxas shouted from the center of the common room. Tom looked up at the two of them and then looked back down at his book. 

"Want to walk with me?" Abraxas asked.

"Sure, but not for too long I promised I would check schedules with Hadrian and Augusta," she replied. 

Abraxas nodded his head and tied up his hair into a messy bun, before exiting the common room. 

 "I can't help but notice that you and Tom have become friends," he said, looking at Belinda. A white strand leaving his bun and covering his face. 

Belinda gave Abraxas an 'Are you mad?!' look and Abraxas put his hands up defensively and chuckled, "I'll take that as a no then," he said. 

"Well, considering the fact that it's only my second day here and he already has manged to ruin my morning,'s not my friend," Belinda said and then gave a quick smile. 

The two reached the Great Hall and took their seats at the Slytherin table. Hadrian and Augusta had been walking together when they saw Belinda waving them over. 

"Hey Belinda! Oh and hey Abraxas," Hadrian said, Abraxas lifted his hand as a hello gesture and Belinda smiled before they set their books down. 

"Students! May I have your attention!" Headmaster Dippet yelled from the bronze owl stand.

"We will be passing out your schedules on a piece of parchment, please do not lose them," he stated. 

A bunch of house elves came from the corridors with pieces of parchment in their hands. There were different colored markings on each parchment stack to represent which house the student was in. 

Belinda got her schedule and placed in front of the table so everyone could see. 

"Hey we have Potions together!" yelled Abraxas loud enough for the whole table to hear. Tom looked over for a quick second before turning back to his schedule. He gently said to himself, "So do we," audible enough for only him to hear. 

"Hadrian, you, Belinda and I have Transfiguration and Astronomy together!" Augusta said excitedly. 

"It also seems that we have Defense Against the Dark Arts as well, all of us," Belinda said eagerly awaiting the moment to step into the peaceful classrooms. Abraxas smiled and traced the snake marking on his parchment schedule before Headmaster Dippet told them it was time to go to class. 

A/N: Hey guys! This chapter is kind of a lean towards a certain direction 😉. I will be writing more, hope the grammar was ok! Thanks for reading!

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