Chapter 5

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Pat Pat! Pat Pat! The sound of Belinda's feet hit the soft cold dirt road in the forest. Something was chasing her. Or was she chasing someone?  Her wand was gripped in her hand. There was heavy breathing, was it hers? A dark figure approached her, grabbing her by the arm. "Let go of me!" She screamed. The dark figure didn't stop, it dragged her across the dirt floor while Belinda was screaming for help.  

Belinda finally stopped screaming as the figure dragged her into a dark room. The figure took her and locked her in a cell. "Now you're mine!" The figure said. 

"NO NO! NO!"

"NO!" Belinda screamed. 

"Hey! Hey! Belinda! Calm down," Olivia whispered. 

Belinda started breathing heavily. 

"It's ok, it's ok," Olivia said, comforting Belinda.

Belinda calmed down a bit and was starting to realize that she was having a nightmare. 

"Now, What the hell happened?" Olivia asked, with concern.

"Sorry, I had a nightmare, t-there w-was a- UGH!" Belinda yelled out she hated when she stuttered. She felt like she couldn't get the words out of her mouth. 

"Shh shh, it's ok," Olivia said patting Belinda's back.

"There was a dark figure, it was chasing me," she said. 

"You're ok now don't worry," Olivia said in a soothing voice. 

"Thanks, Liv" 

Olivia smiled and went back to her bed pulling the green covers over her shoulder and slowly drifting back to sleep. Belinda lied awake, with her thoughts, looking at the ceiling. She reassured herself and slowly fell back into a light sleep. 

The clock read 5:30 am, Belinda barely slept at all. It was a Saturday morning and Olivia was still asleep in the bed next to her. Belinda slowly got up from her bed and walked down the spiral staircase. The sun was barely out and Belinda made her way to the piano which had a candle right on top of it. She took the candle and used a small incendio spell and sat on the black couch.

She took a green cover and cuddled close with a small book. She read for what seemed like 5 seconds when she heard steps coming down the spiral stairs. She didn't think much of it and continued to stay silent. She saw a dark figure walk towards the piano. It was Tom. It was dark in the room, Tom didn't see Belinda sitting on the dark couch. 

He sat up straight next to the piano and shut his eyes as he began to play a soft melody. The song played and Belinda smiled softly. The sound of the piano was smooth like honey and Belinda could almost taste the sweet sound of the music being played. 

Tom heard a soft breath and stopped playing. Belinda's train of thought stopped as she looked up and saw Tom lighting another candle. He saw Belinda and his eyes widened. 

"What are you doing here," He asked in a stern voice. 

"I live here Tom," she replied looking back at her book. 

It was dead silent for a moment before Belinda opened her mouth again. 

"You play well," she said. 

"I know," he replied snarkily. 

"What song was it," she asked, still looking at her book. 

"Why do you care," he asked. He scanned Belinda's long fingers as they flipped through the page of her book. 

"I'm guessing it was, Tchaikovsky," Belinda replied. 

Tom looked amazed and sat on the chair across from Belinda. 

"How did you know?" Tom asked. 

"My dad, he taught me how to play piano, It's always been one of my favorites instruments," Belinda finished talking and looked back at her book. 

"I'm self-taught," Tom said smirking, with pride. 

Belinda looked up from her book and smiled. 

"I expected nothing less," she said. 

Silence. Tom stared at her.

"Don't think that this conversation makes us friends, I'm still looking forward to Defense Against the Dark Arts on Monday," Tom said, getting up from his chair and walking towards the window. 

"Oh I can't wait," she said smirking. 

The two heard a faint noise in the back. Kind of like a slither. They looked behind the couch and saw a black snake slithering. 

"Nagini!" Tom whisper shouted. 

Belinda looked at the small snake and waved at it. 

"You wanna see something interesting," she asked Tom. 

Tom rolled his eyes and stared at Belinda. 

"What do you want?!" he asked, still in the same, whisper tone. 

Belinda walked up to the snake and bent down in front of it. She spoke, in tongue, parseltongue. The snake slithered into her lap and rested. 

"How do you know parseltongue?" he asked, looking at Belinda in shock, his eyes wide and tough.

"I don't know, It was always a special gift of mine," Belinda said, looking at the snake and stroking its head. 

Tom looked down at Nagini, who was almost asleep at this point. How could someone love and cherish a creature such as a snake? He looked at Belinda's eyes. They were dark and powerful, he shook his head and told Nagini to follow him. 

Nagini said something to Belinda in parseltongue, He's stubborn, as she slithered away with Tom. Tom understood it and rolled his eyes. 

Belinda watched as Tom walked towards the spiral stairs and Nagini followed behind. The sun was up much higher now and was hitting Belinda directly in the face. She walked towards her dorm and saw that the clock was now in a different position. It was 6:25, Belinda was shocked as to how quickly time had passed. Olivia was slowly starting to wake up as she smiled in Belinda's direction. 

 "Good Morning!" she said, stretching. 

"Where were you?" Olivia asked smirking at Belinda. 

"Just downstairs," Belinda replied.

"With Tom?" Olivia asked. 

"How did you know?!" Belinda asked. 

"You guys are loud, I'm also not stupid Belinda," she said smirking and walking towards the bathroom. 

"So? He hates me," Belinda said chuckling to herself. 

"Does he?" Olivia asked and walked into the bathroom. 

Belinda chuckled and rolled her eyes, as she fell back on her bed. 

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry, this chapter was short but there will be more coming soon. We will definitely be seeing more of Tom and Abraxas (cause, you know, drama 😉). Anyways, love you guys, thanks for reading! 

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