Chapter 4

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The day had dragged on for what seemed like forever to Belinda. One moment she was excited to start her classes, the next she wanted to go back and crawl into her bed. The time was 4:30 in the afternoon and Belinda was studying her potions book that was handed to her in Professor Slughorns class. It was old and had faded white letters that spelled out "Potions: Everything you need to know!" Belinda closed her book slowly from exhaustion and traced the plaster that was on her finger. Like magic, Tom appeared from the corridors and into the library where she had been studying. 

"Ah look who it is!" said Belinda sardonically. 

Tom looked in her direction and straightened his posture while walking towards the restricted section. Belinda followed with her eyes, confused as to what he was exactly thinking of doing in the restricted section. Tom turned around and scanned the room. It was just Belinda. He turned back around and entered the restricted area. 

Belinda followed him into the area and peered through the other bookshelves to see what he was up to. 

"Did anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare!" he yelled and gritted his teeth. 

Their eyes met through the bookshelves like ice meets fire. His stare was cold and Belinda's was powerful causing Tom to look away. 

"Did anyone ever tell you, you're an ass," Belinda said in a mocking tone. 

Tom was silent and his ears were slowly turning red from anger. 

 "I guess not," Belinda said as she smiled and turned away from the bookshelf that was separating her and Tom. 

Tom continued to look in the restricted section, trying to ignore the fact that Belinda had come from around the corner and was standing right next to him, watching what he was reading.

He turned to her, annoyed, "What do you want, or are you just gonna stand there like a stone!" 

"Well I guess that makes you Medusa, " Belinda said, snickering. 

Tom rolled his eyes, "You know, you're curiosity will get the best of you! I'll make sure of it!" 

"Is that a threat," Belinda asked putting her hand to her chest, pretending to be hurt. 

Tom grabbed her arm and pointed his wand in her direction. "We have dueling practice in a couple of weeks, I sure hope we get partnered up, so you understand what happens to those who cross me!" 

"First of all, don't touch me, I am not an object for you to manhandle, understand? Second of all, I hope so too!" she replied. She took two of her fingers and picked up Tom's hand as if it was a disgusting bug. Tom snatched his hand away and walked out of the library. 

"Hey, you there! Why are you in the restricted section!" A man's voice yelled, causing Belinda to run out of the section and sprint out of the library. She looked behind her to see if the man had been following her. She kept running not looking where she was going and bumped into someone. 

"What are you doing down there? It's much nicer standing up now isn't it?" 

Belinda looked up and smiled, it was Abraxas. 

"Funny how you are always falling for me," Abraxas said smirking. 

"Oh please, lines like that are the reason you still don't have a lady by your side," Belinda said standing up slowly. 

"Well, I'm waiting for the right one, I'm a Malfoy, I won't be lonesome for much longer," he grinned and fixed his ponytail.

Belinda laughed at his foolishness as they walked towards the Slytherin common room. Belinda thought to herself, "I have only known Abraxas for a few days? Why is he being so nice to me? Does he have any reason behind his kind gestures? Does h-" Belinda's thoughts were interrupted. 

"Belinda? Such a nice name, what does it mean?" Abraxas asked her. 

"Oh-umm- it means snake, it's german originated," She replied.

"How ironic, your name means snake and you're a Slytherin, You're perfect!" Abraxas immediately shut his mouth and rubbed the back of his neck as blushed slightly at his choice of wording. 

"I guess I am," Belinda chuckled, she lifted her head, proudly. Abraxas smiled and laughed. 

He began playing with his ponytail out of angst, "How long have you been growing it," Belinda asked. 

"Oh, a few years actually, I refused to cut it off, It's too precious, I think I might even name it!" he said laughing and twirling his ponytail. 

"Oh really?" Belinda asked, snickering. 

He laughed and walked towards the Slytherin common room.

"Anguis," Belinda said as the door opened to the common room. 

Five Slytherins were sitting quietly on the couch. Belinda sat next to a girl with long jet black her, that was tied properly in a bun. The girl looked at Belinda and smiled. 

"Hello, you must be Belinda, I'm Olivia Morganson," The girl said in a proper tone. Her dark skin was all scratched up and bruised. 

"Are you alright?" Belinda asked as she touched the girl's arm in concern.

"Oh, don't worry about that, Quidditch was rough this morning, the boys on the team are upset they let girls on the team and decided they should treat me as brutal as possible because they think I shouldn't even be playing, bloody gits," Olivia said as she rolled her eyes. 

"Men," they said in unison, causing them each to laugh. 

"I like the way you think Olivia," Belinda said, smiling. 

"Oh please love, call me Liv," said Olivia. 

"Alright! It's good to finally have a friend here in the Slytherin common room, " Belinda said as she smiled.

"It's like I don't exist," Abraxas said, grinning.

"Oh, of course, darling but I meant a friend that's a girl," Belinda said. 

Abraxas blushed at the nickname and went back to talking with his friends. 

Suddenly, Tom burst through the room. Everyone looked to see what all that noise was about. Tom scoffed and went up the spiraling steps to the boy's dormitories.

Belinda and Olivia kept talking with each other as if they had been friends for ages. Belinda finally felt like she was gonna be ok, she felt safe and happy here at Hogwarts. Even if some students were absolutely outrageous. We all have our stories. Hopefully, no one ever finds out Belinda's. 

A/N: Hey friends, thank you for reading this far! I will keep uploading as soon as I can. 

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