Chapter 2

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Belinda awoke to the sound of the train whistling. Hadrian and Augusta were still sitting across from her talking to one another. 

"Oh, you're up!" said Hadrian as he smiled and turned his attention towards Belinda. 

Belinda smiled and sat up straight. The pattern of the window sill was plastered on her face and her eyes were heavy. 

"How long was I asleep?" asked Belinda. 

"About 2 hours," replied Augusta, grabbing her bag, "We're here," 

The three stood up and opened the compartment door. The boy from before, Tom Riddle was in front of the trio grabbing tightly on his book. Belinda stared at Tom and his book, wondering what secrets are lying in the whispy pages of his book. Tom felt a stare from behind him and he gently smirked and turned around to face Belinda. 

"You know, I don't like when people tell me off, there are consequences!" Tom said as his smirk faded and a look of pride washed over his face. 

Belinda rolled her eyes, "Well, this conversation we are having is making my ears bleed, so I would say that's consequential enough,"

Tom clenched his teeth and his eyes bugged out, he was shocked, no one talks back to him, especially when threatened. Tom turned around and straightened his posture and walked at a fast pace out of the train.  

When the trio arrived at the front of Hogwarts a tall old man with small eyes and a white beard was waiting at the top of the steps. 

"Welcome back students, please be mindful of the first years when walking in the halls, the sorting ceremony will begin soon, along with the first years and a few new students that have started Hogwarts this year," The man turned around and walked towards the doorway. 

"That's Professor Dumbledore," said Augusta. "He teaches Transfiguration," 

The students walked up the steps to follow Professor Dumbledore through the doorway. There were rows of tables and candles scattered above, floating in mid-air. The ceiling showed a deep blue sky, filled with stars and light. 

"Wow," Belinda said in awe of how beautiful it was. 

Her deep brown eyes reflected the candles and stars. Tom looked behind at Belinda and then turned his attention to a man with a long white beard standing behind a tall bronze owl stand. 

"Welcome children, to Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry! We are eager to start this year and hope you all have an amazing time here at Hogwarts, please keep in mind that curfew is still required here at Hogwarts and no one shall be out after 9 pm, we do not want to repeat last years disaster," The man turned around to sit at a long table where Professor Dumbledore sat next to him. 

"That's Headmaster Dippet, he's quite brilliant you know!" said Hadrian standing next to Belinda. 

"I know, I read about him," said Belinda. 

"Now all first-years and new students please line up, when you hear your name called please step forth and be sorted into your houses," said Professor Dumbledore, as he stood up from his seat bringing an odd-looking witches hat to the chair next to the owl stand, 

The students made somewhat of a line and were waiting to be called. Hadrian and Augusta sat at opposite tables from each other. Augusta sat at the Ravenclaw table and Hadrian sat at the Gryffindor table, they sat at a position where they could still talk and eat together. 

"Margret Smith!" Professor Dumbledore called. A short girl with brown long hair and blue eyes walked up to the chair in the center of the Great Hall. 

"Hmm, very creative and bright, mmm...must be...Ravenclaw!" The odd hat said as he was pulled off from Margret's head. The girl walked towards the Ravenclaw table and sat next to another first-year. 

"Stephen Groves!" Dumbledore called. 

A tall lanky boy with his head low walked to the hat. He sat down and looked at the swarm of students. 

"Hmm...very kind-hearted and must be in...Hufflepuff!" said the hat. 

More students were called in sorted until all the first years were at the tables. There were a handful of students left including Belinda who were new at Hogwarts (but not in their first year). 

"Belinda Blacksmith!" Dumbledore called again. Belinda walked towards the chair and took a seat. Abraxas stared at her from the table and gave small smile. Belinda smiled back and then looked forward ready to meet her fate.

"Hmm...very ambitious...lots of heart...hmm...Slytherin!" 

Abraxas smirked as Belinda made her way to sit next to him. 

"I should've known, a fellow Slytherin!" Abraxas said.

Belinda smiled and looked over to the boy who was sitting next to him, Tom. 

"Hmph, who cares Abraxas!" said Tom with his jaw clenched. 

Abraxas rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Belinda. 

"Don't mind him," he said.

"Oh trust me, I don't," Belinda said through a small chuckle. 

Tom rolled his eyes and looked down at his empty plate. As the last few students were sorted Dippet yelled, "May the feast, begin!" Food magically appeared on each of the four tables and the students eagerly added food to their plate. 

As the students ate the food, Belinda tried to find her way towards the Gryffindor table to say hello to Hadrian. She got up from the Slytherin table and found Hadrian and Augusta talking to each other. 

"Hey, Belinda! Congratulations on getting into Slytherin!" Hadrian said as he quietly clapped his hands. Belinda smiled and hovered over the space that was separating Augusta and Hadrain. 

"Thank you, I can't wait till we get our schedules! Hopefully, we have classes together!" Belinda said. 

"That would be fun!" said Augusta. 

Belinda stood up and started walking back towards the Slytherin table, she looked back and saw Hadrian and Augusta talking passionately and Belinda smirked at the sight of the two of them. 

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you like the story so far! Don't worry things will start to get interesting, I promise! Sorry if I made any grammar mistakes!

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