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-ashton pov- 

A bright shade of orange was visible from behind my heavy eyelids. I knew there was pretty much no way to get away from this other than waking up. But let's be real, no one wants to do that. Sometimes you just have to face the inevitable.

My eyelids opened slowly in an attempt to adjust easily. Hell knows that worked. As I adjusted for real this time I saw a small body cuddling into my side. I couldn't help but coo at Ari, she may be a little tuffy but she was definitely adorable. I leaned in and placed a lasting kiss on her forehead, and this caused her eyes to slowly open but imediately squint because it was SUPER bright outside. This caused her to nuzzle her face into my side again causing me to giggle.

"Good morning beautiful" I beamed recieving a quiet mumble that sounded like 'hello'. "You hungry?" I asked as I leaned closer to her head making her look up at me from my side. This time I got a lazy nod. I started to think of things I could make, but then I remembered I can't really cook that well I mean I want her to enjoy her breakfast.

"How does Macca's sound?" I proposed earning a really strong nod from her causing me to laugh loudly. 

"Can I get a Deluxe Hotcake Meal with two hashbrowns" She smiled holding up two fingers.

"Of course love" I affirmed pressing a kiss on her lips ignoring the morning breathe. I got up slowly so she could find a new comfy spot, and got some clothes on. I started to walk to Malum's room to ask them if they wanted anything.

When I walked in they hadn't noticed me because they were cuddling together making me take a picture. I mean Malum is beautiful. "Do you guys want any Macca's?" I asked as they finally acknowledged me and looked up.

"Can I get the Hotcake breakfast!!! Please! And an extra hasbrown!" Michael said with excitement. Causing me to laugh because you can clearly see why Ari and him were best friends.

"Ditto" Calum decided holding his arm half-way in the air being too lazy to actually hold it up fully.

"Alright I'll probably be back in around ten to twenty minutes" I theorized as I walked out of the room and into the hallway making my way to Anna's room. I made sure to knock because last time I didn't knock, I saw a little more of Luke and Anna then I prefered. I heard a muffled 'come in'. When I walked in they were cudled against each other watching disney channel.

"Hey guys! Want macca's!" I said enthusiastically to annoy them. They both had straight faces which made my smile falter because clearly they were having a moment. 

"I'll have an EggMcMuffin" Anna uttered looking back at the screen. Well okay, that was a bit rude. I looked to Luke.

"Um can I have um... an English Brekkie Wrap?" the lanky giraffe said very unsure. This caused me and Anna to break into laughter.

"They only have that in Aussie Hemmo" I said gasping for air. This caused him to nuzzle his face into Anna's neck being the awkward person her was.

"He'll just have what I'm getting" Anna assured as I started to walk out to get the food..


-ari pov- 

"And then Ari totally bïtch slapped her and caused her to fall down in the middle of kroger" Anna exclaimed as everyone burst into laughter. Gad this was so embarrasing. I decided to rest my head in the crook of Ashton's neck to hide my blush that decided to show up. Ashton noticed my embarrasment and decided to be the best boyfriend ever.

"Well since we all decided to laugh at my gorgeous girlfriend, let's share some other stuff" Ashton spoke up with a smirk on his face. "We should start with Mikey right babe?" I just nodded still in his neck making Michael pale, "I remember this one time Michael was taking a picture witha fan when we were about to leave and tripped her up and almost broke her ankle" (a/n tru story I did my research) .

Michael was now embarrased out of his mind while everyone else was laughing their ässes off. "CALUM SAVE ME" He jokingly wailed as he dove into Calum,

"Oh but the fun has just begun" Ashton continued without his smirk faltering even a little bit, "Hey Luke remember that one time in high school at this party we went to and you were about to get lucky but you were wearing fücking penguin underwear, not even boxers or boxer briefs. And then she told the whole school?" This one caused Luke blush and move Anna to his lap and almost hide behind her. Calum was already pale knowing he was next.

"Oh and Mr. Hood, it looks like you're last up. Remember that one time in the airport?" He started (a/n this one is also true), "That Native American man came up to us and asked us about your chief tatoo? And he asked which tribe you were in?"

By the end of this session I was no longer in Ashton's neck. I was sitting on his lap about to fall on the ground because I mean let's be real. That was hilarious. 

"WAIT" I screamed catching everyone off guard, "WE FORGOT ANNA". You could probably see her pale from miles away. "So this one time when we were younger maybe 4th or 5th grade Anna was this really free spirit and shit. So she was like we should do yoga. Now first off she didn't know yoga, secondly Anna didn't have a place. So they used to pretend to be sloths somtimes. And they would just hang from the structure. This was like every recess too." Now everyone was laughing. A lot. If you would've walked in the room we would've looked mental. 

"Well guys this was fun, but this handsome man needs some rest" Ashton shrieked and giggled as he grabbed my hand and we ran to the bedroom.

Right before he fell asleep I whispered to him, "you have to tell me one someday". I rested my head on his chest and slipped into slumber.




that was short af

it was a filler bc this book moved a lot faster than it should've

but im a bad writer sooooooooo


later brossssssss

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