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       -ari pov-

As soon as me and Anna got home I immedeately replayed every second of that concert. HOLY SHIT I GOT ASHTON'S NUMBER. "Anna if I texted Ashton now would that be clingy?'

'Honestly, Ari I mean he gave it to you I don't think its too clingy" Anna answers as she barely looks up from her phone.

"Oooooooh who are you texting?'

"Um... just someone from... um high school?' Anna warily said.

I swiftly took her phone and I couldn't believe my eyes, "YOU GOT LUKE'S NUMBER AND DIDN'T TELL ME WHAT THE HELL!"

"Oh yeah about that.."

"Whatever I'm gonna text someone too then" I angrily left stomping around like the 5 year-old I was at heart. I honestly didn't know who to text other than Ashton so I tried out his number.

From Ari; Hey Ashton it's Ari um that one chick you met at the concert...

I read that text over a million times just to make sure it wasn't weird or something dumb. I eventually sent it after what seemed like hours of evaluation. 

Then I started freaking out. What if it wasn't his real number. He could be messing with my feelings. I am so stupid. Just as my heart started shattering my phone vibrated.

To Ari; HEY ARI aha whoops I thought you weren't gonna text me

Was he for real...I'm not this awesome kangeroo sex god of a drum player.

From Ari; Why wouldn't I text you have you looked in the mirror recently ;)

Shoot was the winky face too much..

To Ari; You weren't too bad yourself ;) xx

HOLY SHIT ROGILVHNSKDJHREA. Okay calm down it's ok..

From Ari; Oh was I? I didn't notice ;)

To Ari; Shuddup ;)

ooh a feisty one. Oh god my brain is fucked what the hell.

From Ari; So how's the tour life :-)

To Ari; I mean other than the constant yelling and laughing it's pretty great

slightly boring

From Ari; Honestly tour sounds fun you sound like a downer ;-o

To Ari; what kind of face even is that...

From Ari; ouch.. that hurt my feelings

To Ari; haha whoops

wait come back



From Ari; are you singing jordin sparks...

To Ari; possibly ;)

From Ari; my lord... now it's stuck in my head... fuck you

To Ari; maybe later ;) xx

From Ari; you officially just scared me a little 

Honestly, I was blushing so much I looked like a tomato.

To Ari; awe only a little

From Ari; hey wait... isn't it late there.. you are kind of on tour and you need to sleep.

To Ari; i mean yeah but texting you is way more fun :(

From Ari; You can always dream about me... ;)

To Ari; Maybe I will ;) xx

From Ari; Then get to bed weirdo

To Ari; awe fine gn text you tomorrow xx

I had a feeling that me and Ashton would progressively get a lot closer



wow i feel like that was pretty bad for a first chapter but  i cant write for shit

ha whoops

well i hope you liked it anyways 

but i have nothing to say 


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