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A U T H O R ' S  N O T E

Before you jump to conclusions, I'd like to clear off one thing.
I've co-written a Ziam book 'Not Happening' back in early 2013 with a friend of mine on Tumblr. I wasn't keen on continuing my writing work after that, and she published it on AO3. Later, I decided to rewrite it in Larry version. And we decided to divide the rights. Of course, I only the idea after I've written two books later. So, Not Again? was published in 2017.

That Ziam book was republished here by @houseofziam and another account. I'm not sure whether they've got permission from the author. But I didn't mind because it's not my place. And, if you are just going to comment about this book being plagiarised from a ziam book, get your asses out of here. I ain't gonna sit back and let you talk me down.

I had to unpublish the book after the accusations became too much. Because I felt betrayed and some of you are really ungrateful and disrespectful, tagging me on that ziam book and asking if I have copied it. I'm sick of feeling bad for myself and decided to stand up for myself for once. This is my hard work and I'm not going to let it go down the drain. If you've got any problem with it, get the fuck off my book.

On this account, I'd like to thank a few people who have stayed by my side and believed in me. I'm truly grateful for your presence.

It might have been just one comment, or a private chat or a mail in my inbox, but it meant a lot to me. When I started doubting myself, you were here to clear my head and make me see the truth again. I thank you so much for every moment you've made me feel better. Love you xx

And to the readers, thank you for your support through the comments. It might not be direct but it really brings a change in my day. I might not have tagged you here, but that doesn't mean I didn't notice you. Let's meet again in the comment section. Hope to see you all in my coming books, too !


E X P O R T E D  W O R K S

Hi guys !

I have exported this book to Archives of Our Own. All my books will be up there soon. 

Wattpad had become so commercial that I can't read two chapters without having to watch a minute-long ad. Not to mention the absurd premium prices. I don't want to encourage such app anymore. I decided to move to AO3. Wattpad is not even letting me post the links on my Conversations wall. It's really disturbing. 

So, I thought I'd be taking down my books here. Not entirely, you can still get glimpse of their contents. But many of you have been sending me messages and mails to not do that. So, I'll reuploading them totally. I want you guys happy. But yeah, this is a goodbye to Wattpad.

If you can't find my books on AO3, follow this method:  
Search > Title: Not Again?, Author: AditiStylinson, Fandom: One Direction

Or, you can look my profile this way: 
Search > Edit Search > People Search > AditiStylinson

If there ever is an update, I'll make sure let you guys know here. You can find the link to my AO3 in my bio. Or on my Tumblr. I'll be doing fic recs there. So, see you there, maybe ?

Tumblr: @aditistylinson
AO3: AditiStylinson

Happy reading!

Loads of love x

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