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thirteen | not again

'Cause sometimes it's better that way 
Gotta let it go so your heart don't break 

~ 'better' by zayn

"Do you know how attractive you are when you're pissed off?" Louis asked. He tilted his head up, lips grazing Harry's ear, hand sliding up his back and pressing their bodies closer. "Now stop arguing with me and let's get back to the room. I can't wait to get you—"

"Not again," Harry swallowed as he pushed at Louis' shoulders and stalked off. "Last time was the last time. It's not fucking happening again."

Louis easily kept up with him. "Really?" he chuckled. "Why do I have a feeling that you're just saying that to make yourself feel better?"

"Fuck you," Harry spat.

They walked like that all the way back to their dorm— Harry stomping past everyone with his eyes narrowed and his head ducked, Louis walking proudly beside him like he's enjoying how upset Harry was. And Harry wanted to throttle him. He wanted to tackle him into the grass on his left and revel in the grunt he'd make as his back hit the hard-packed dirt, and then Harry would—

Harry shook his head, cutting that fantasy off as he pulled the door to their building open wide, wide enough for Louis to slip hiss easily in behind him. Both of their feet thundered up the stairs, and Harry wanted to turn around and yell at him again, but he just kept going. Up the stairs, onto their floor. Past the people in the hallway, two of whom called out a greeting to Louis that he returned cheerfully and pleasantly.

Of course, their door was unlocked, something that Louis had a habit of doing, no matter how many times Harry nagged him for it. That only added fuel to his fire. He paced to the desk at the window as soon as he's inside, and then he whirled around as Louis locked the door.

"It's not happening again," Harry said firmly. "Okay? Not again."

Louis shrugged from the middle of the room. "Okay."

For a moment, Harry debated it. Went over his options. Weighed out the pros and cons. It's a bad idea, giving in to Louis again. It was a horrible idea. It was stupid, and he'd regretted it so much the other two times. There was no way he'd even consider doing it again. Never in a million years.

Harry stalked towards Louis, grabbing his hips. He wished he could burn Louis with his fingertips the way Louis burned him with existence.

"Not again", Harry repeated while pushing Louis' shirt up.

Louis' arms lift obligingly as Harry tugged the shirt off him, tossing it vaguely towards Louis' bed.

"I'm not going to sleep with you again", Harry mumbled.

"Sure", Louis said, lips attaching to Harry's neck making him tilt his head. "Keep saying that if it helps."

Harry scratched his nails across the small back of Louis' back.

"Not again", he groaned. "This— This is the last time."

"Mhm", Louis hummed, hands going to the back of Harry's thighs, easily lifting him up as if he weighed nothing. All the working out really paid off. Harry's legs automatically went around Louis' waist taking in how his muscles rippled at the action, and Louis added, "Desk. Gonna fuck you on the desk, okay?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah."

Normally Harry's laptop rested on the desk, but he'd put it away before he left. All that's on top of it now was one of his books, a pad of paper, and a single uncapped pen. Louis kicked the chair away and held Harry up with one hand while wiping the top of the desk clean, brushing everything to the floor like in a really bad porno.

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