t e n

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t e n | hold me close

Tell me more, tell me something I don't know
Could we come close to havin' it all?

If you're gonna waste my time
Let's waste it right

~ 'hold me while you wait' by lewis capaldi

Harry started for the stairs to get another drink. But there was a group blocking the bottom and he didn't feel like having to shoulder past them just to get upstairs. Instead, he leaned against a wall and sucked down the last drops of his drink so that it looked like he's doing something as he waited for them to move.

Harry's gaze shifted around the room, and it landed on Louis. He was on the dance floor now, some girl's back pressed against his front. He's got his chin resting on her shoulder, and a hand on her stomach, holding them tightly together.

"You got me going crazy, you turn me on, turn me on."

The song played from the speakers as Louis' eyes met his. That smirk spread over his lips, and Harry couldn't turn away, even as Louis' lips pressed to her neck and she tilted her head back giving him more room. Even as his hand slid lower, dangerously close to the waistband of her skirt. And he was still holding Harry's gaze.

"If you think you're gonna get away from me you better change your mind. You're going home, you're going home with me tonight."

Harry could feel the heat in his stomach. And it wasn't pleasant. He wanted to punch Louis' pretty button nose and kiss him senseless at the same time. Sighing, he stomped towards the stairs. He shouldered past the group there without blinking, heading for the kitchen to get a drink, just like Niall told him to do.

Just as it had been the first time, the kitchen was pretty full. The same couples sat at the table, but now there was a group getting drinks. Harry waited until they were done to get himself one. But as he was heading back to the basement, someone blocked his path.

"Harry, right?" the guy asked.

"Uh, yeah," Harry said, slow, confused. "Can I—"

"Who invited the nerd?" someone behind him asked.

Harry's cheeks burned. It's not like this was his first time getting picked on —which was what's happening here, he had no doubt in his mind about this— but it's a little surprising. He thought that everyone had outgrown this shit after high school, but apparently it's all the same. And he also didn't expect the guys to think he was nerd. It's not not like you'd know every person on the campus, even if they attended the same parties.

"Excuse me," Harry gritted, trying to move past the guy blocking his way.

The guy moved so he was still blocking Harry's path.

Behind him, someone asked, "Hey, maybe he could do my paper for Flamel for me."

The one in front of him tugged Harry's glasses off his face, putting them on himself. Harry's hands curled at his sides, but he didn't move. He's not stupid, he's been in this situation countless times. It's best to just take it and wait until he could walk away, because he didn't feel like getting his ass kicked right now. Everyone in this room had about forty pounds on him, at the least, and they're all teammates, which means that if you fucked with one of them, chances were the others would get involved.

"How do I look?" the guy with his glasses asked. "Think I look smarter?"

"Wouldn't take much effort to accomplish that," Harry muttered.

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