t w o

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t w o | annoying shit

when I finally touch you
gentle on your skin
are you travelling to my heart
and this is how it starts

~ 'first touch' by rebecca lavelle

"Do you have to do that right now?"

Louis smirked from his spot on the floor. He leaned back until his back was nearly hitting the floor, and then he pulled himself up to his legs, bent at the knees, keeping his feet planted firmly on the ground. He's doing the sit-ups. He didn't have to, since all of the school's athletes have access to the gym 24/7. 

He just liked to fuck with Harry.

At least, Harry was pretty sure that's why Louis did it. Maybe every little thing he did isn't actually intended to make Harry's blood boil, but it did. And he's distracting. Harry was trying to type out his essay so he could spend the rest of the night watching some show on his computer. But Louis was grunting and sweating and breathing heavy, and Harry couldn't focus on copying the words from page to the laptop with Louis doing that shit.

He's just about to give up when someone knocked at the door. Harry turned, fingers hovering over the keyboard.

Louis called out, "Come in!" 

He continued with his sit-ups, which was admittedly a little impressive, since Harry figured he himself would be too busy wheezing to talk if he were in Louis' position. Then again, Louis was extremely in shape, which was probably a good thing because, really, he didn't have much else going for him but his body.

The door opened, and Liam walked into the room, dressed differently than Harry had seen him all week. That's just what Liam did. Between Monday and Friday, he would refuse to shave, barely showered, and walked around in the same sweatpants days in a row with messy hair tucked under a beanie. But then, Friday night, he'd shave and style his hair and change the worn clothes for perfectly pressed shirts and tight jeans, going from homeless to boy-next-door in a matter of hours.

"Hey," Harry said. "What's up?"

Liam shut the door behind him and sidestepped Louis on his way to Harry's bed. 

"I've come to rescue you from the world of academics. Figured you could use a break, and I know you won't take one on your own, so hurry up. Finish whatever you're doing, and then get dressed. We're going out", he said.

Louis snorted from the floor. Harry ignored him. 

"Going out where?" he asked.

"A party," Liam admitted.

"I don't go to parties," Harry pointed out. 

He didn't see the appeal. Last time he had, he lost Liam and Zayn in the crowd, someone spilt beer on him, and he'd spent the whole night in the corner, praying one of his friends would come rescue him. Or maybe hoping someone would try to talk to him, but everyone had ignored him, as they always do.

"Because you're never invited," Louis snickered.

He had moved on to doing push-ups now — one-handed push-ups. Show off. And Harry held back a scoff. 

"Well he was invited tonight," Liam hissed at him and turned to Harry. "Ignore the side effects of steroids on your floor. Come out with us. Zayn wants you to come, and no one can say no to Zayn."

Harry rolled his eyes. He didn't want to be the only one not going, though. He didn't want to spend tomorrow in the common room, listening to Liam moan about a hangover and Zayn recount their hilarious, drunken adventures. 

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