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twenty-eight | be so blind

The way you laid your eyes on me 
In ways that no one ever could 
And so it seems I broke your heart 
My ignorance has struck again 

~ 'sorry' by halsey

Maybe Niall wasn't wrong, Harry realised. Because the way Louis looked at him, more than his words, was what made him believe that maybe it's true. That maybe Louis really did have feelings for him. 

"What if I don't want you to be sorry for that?" Harry whispered and cleared his throat. "Or what if I'm sorry for doing the same thing?"

Louis' eyes dropped to Harry's lips for a moment, "I'm sorry for kissing you."

Harry snorted before he could stop himself. "Which time?"

Louis' lips pressed against his own, and Harry's eyes widened in surprise, for a moment, before he let them fall closed. Louis kissed him slow and thorough, gently coaxing Harry's mouth open. And then he pulled back, unexpectedly. Harry pushed himself up, trying to capture Louis' lips again, but Louis shook his head and smiled. 

"That time."

Harry groaned, grabbing at the front of Louis' shirt to pull him back down, "Can we stop apologizing?" he begged. "Can we move on to the part where we just admit that we don't hate each other anymore?"

Louis raised his eyebrows. 

"I still hate you," he said. "You get up at insane hours of the morning, and you go to bed earlier than my eighty-year-old grandpa. You hit your keys on the keyboard way too hard. You do that annoying thing where you tap your pen on the desk while you think. You're a neat freak. You—"

"You snore," Harry said. "And you're a slob. Plus, you watch sports, like, constantly. It's ridiculous."

"Nothing wrong with sports," Louis argued. "And you do that pretentious thing where you correct people when they use 'who' instead of 'whom' even though you do it all the time yourself."

"Once," Harry said. "I corrected you once. And you never lock the fucking door, even though I've told you a million times—"

"You're naggy," Louis grinned, chin tilted defiantly. "You're worse than my mother."

"You always work out when I'm studying."

"You're always studying. And you hog the desk like it's yours, but it's ours."

"You constantly touch my stuff", Harry huffed.

"You always flop onto your bed."

"You get pissy on game days."

"You always slam the door."

"So do you!" Harry said, indignant. "All the time!"

Louis' eyebrows drew together. "I'm running out of things that you do that piss me off." He chewed his lip. "You look cute in your glasses."

"You look hot when you're sweaty," Harry admitted sheepishly.

"I like your hair when you don't brush it after you've showered and it gets all messy. I love these curls."

"I think it's sweet that you let those kids put makeup on you just because it made them happy, even if you looked ridiculous."

"I think it's brilliant that you're not afraid to like what you like. That you don't care if other people think it's dorky or nerdy to like reading cooking books, or spending time in the library."

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