f o u r t e e n

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fourteen | ...uh

I spent a lot of nights on the run
And I think oh, like I'm lost and can't be found
I'm just waiting for my day to come 

~ 'spirits' by strumbellas

Harry was busy focusing on drawing wings of a bird —trying to replicate Zayn's chest piece on his paper— to see the look on Louis' face, but he didn't miss Louis' low, annoyed, "Right. This is just another thing that makes you better than me."

Finally, Harry looked up, but Louis got his eyes on his own paper now, focusing with his eyebrows drawn and his bottom lip sucked into his mouth. Harry wasn't sure how to reply to that comment, so he didn't. He went back to drawing, Louis continued to work on his own, and Liam kept praising Zayn while making lame attempts at creating something on his own page.

Eventually, the instructor came back around. She smiled pleasantly at Zayn, wrinkled her forehead at Liam's 'dog' that honestly did look more like an alpaca than anything, and then complimented Harry's drawing before moving on to Louis.

Louis, who's had his picture covered for the last twenty minutes, arm blocking Harry from being able to see. Now, the instructor picked it up, and Louis' eyes stayed on the table as she looked it over before flicking her gaze to Harry. 

"The shape of his face is fairly accurate," she said. "The curls by his ears are a little heavy, but that's very hard to do. With a bit more practice, this could be great."

Louis went bright red, taking the picture back from her before stuffing it hastily into his pocket. When she walked off, he pushed away from the table and headed for the door, Harry staring after him.

"What did I miss?" Liam asked, looking between Louis and the door.

Zayn kept drawing, but he spoke with a grin on his face, "Louis was secretly drawing Harry and he didn't want anyone to know, but Malerie called him out on it and now he's stomped off because he's embarrassed." His tongue stuck out between his teeth, eyes scanning his own paper. "Do you really think this is good?"

"It's wonderful," Liam said automatically, but his eyes were on Harry, the look on his face one Harry didn't fully understand.

"That's not what he's upset about," Harry mumbled. "And he's wasn't drawing me. He's just pissy because he has a game coming up. That's how he always gets."

"Speaking of which," Liam said. "You're coming to that game with us."

"No, I'm not," Harry said. "You know that I don't—"

"Look," Liam splayed his hands flat on the table and gave Harry this look, one that said not to argue. "He joined this stupid class for you, the least you could do is attend one of his games."

Harry's mouth fell open. 

"He didn't join this class for me!" he protested.

"Please keep it down in the back," came Malerie's voice from the front of the room.

Harry flushed red and lowered his voice, hissing and glaring at Liam, "He joined it to piss me off, that's all."

"Same difference," Liam shrugged. "Go to his game to piss him off, then. But you're going."

"I have homework," Harry argued. "I don't have time."

"You can take a few hours out of your time at the library," Liam smirked.

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