Chapter 6

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"Silverfang, dear," whispered Rabbitclaw. "It's time to get up!" Silverfang opened her blue eye and fixed him with a sharp glance.

"Is it really?" she murmured.

When Rabbitclaw nodded, she opened her green eye.

Silverfang had become mates with Rabbitclaw not long ago, and now they shared the leader's den. Then she jumped to her paws.

"Is it time to share the deer?" she asked her mate.

"Yes, the Pack is waiting for you in the usual spot," the huge white wolf said.

"Okay, I'm coming!" Silverfang exclaimed and trotted out her den.

Rabbitclaw followed at her heels.

"Redbelly, clean out my den. And while you're at it, do the apprentices' den too," Silverfang ordered the omega, who was waiting in his crevice.

Redbelly nodded and squeezed past. Silverfang came out and leaped onto their sacred rock. First she congratulated her Beta's hunting patrol, then allowed her pack to dig in. 

The whole Pack gobbled up the deer. Redbelly had crept up and took a shinbone when everyone else was done, and pleased that he didn't get snarled at, ran to eat it in a corner. Afterward, Silverfang let her warriors lounge in the sun and talk with one another. Silverfang went to talk to Waterdapple about the patrols. She found the she-wolf standing briskly, sniffing the air warily. The Alpha tilted her head, confused, then trotted up. Waterdapple, upon hearing the arrival, turned and snarled. Then realizing that it was her Alpha, rolled over on the ground.

Silverfang licked her nose in forgiveness, then asked softly: "What is the matter?"

Waterdapple licked her chest.

"Well, I smelled some wolves out in the forest, and they didn't come from this pack. Also, Sealheart's patrol has not come back and it's been quite some time. I'm not sure what is going on, but I feel as though we will be under attack any second."

Silverfang nodded. "That's not good news....thank you, I will take out a patrol to investigate," she said.

She spun around and headed for the rock. Just as Silverfang opened her jaws, Flowerpetal and her brother, Bearthorn, burst into the camp. Both were out of breath.

Bearthorn gasped and said "There are enemy wolves headed for our camp, about 14 of them, and they have Sealheart and Cinderfur pinned and captured, please come and help us!" and he collapsed.

Deerleap rushed forward to steady her pup. Bluetail whisked her tail and bundled the apprentices and pups into the nursery. The queen huddled there, ready to lash out at anywolf. Silverfang's fur bristled and she called her warriors to meet the enemy outside. The rest of the pack rushed out the entrance and onto the path. They crouched in the undergrowth, waiting to spring. Soon enough, a huge black wolf crept onto the path. Lion exchanged a look with Jackrabbit, then they leaped at the wolf. The trio struggled for a moment, then Silverfang streaked past them and pinned him down. He struggled for breath.

Silverfang snarled in his face. "Who are you, where are our warriors, and why are you here?" she hissed, flashing her claws warningly at his throat.

The wolf stared back. He snuffled proudly.

"I'm Alpha Axe. I have come to take as much territory as I can! You three cannot stop me and my pack!"

Silverfang huffed with amusement.

"One, you're in no position to make threats. Two, it's not just us three!" she laughed. Her warriors jumped out, claws glinting in the light.

"So, Axe, you sure you want to fight us?" asked Lightthunder, picking slyly at her claw.

Silverfang shot her a glare. "That's enough," she muttered, just loud enough so that Lightthunder could hear her.

"Uh-" Axe managed to stutter.

Shaking his head in disbelief, Axe howled viciously and his pack rushed over. Waterdapple rapidly whispered something to her leader. Silverfang nodded and let the young warrior take her place in pinning Axe down. 

Silverfang whisked her tail and the two packs fell into formation. Wolf glared at wolf, claws out. Lion was first. He leaped onto the back of a white wolf, who rolled, taking Lion down and shaking his head. Lemonheart rushed at a small she-wolf, and fixed his teeth into her leg. She yelped with pain, but scratched at his eye, causing him to run to the safety of the trees. Longfur and Jackrabbit were fighting back to back, as three wolves attacked them on both sides. All around her Silverfang could hear whimpers and snarls. She took the scene in with astonishment. SilverPack was losing! Howling in outrage, she drove a wolf off Hawkfeather and sank her fangs into the she-wolf that was driving Bearthorn back. Silverfang leaped into the fray, leaped out, dealing blows there and here. 

Axe had struggled free of Waterdapple and was now proceeding to sink his teeth into her neck when Sandwhisker dealt him a blow to the head, stunning him. Sandwhisker jumped out of another wolf's reach, saying 'you're welcome', and kept driving the enemies back. Soon the fight had turned completely.

The other Pack's wolves fled with Axe limping after them barking "Cowards! Cowards! Stand and fight!"

Jackrabbit gave a howl of encouragement and started to trudge back to camp. Silverfang stopped him, then sent a patrol to recover Sealheart and Cinderfur.

How's this battle? Personally my favorite part when Axe thought that it was only Silverfang, Lion, and Jackrabbit, and then the rest of them jumped out. I also like that Silverpack is always ready to do something that they don't usually do to protect the Pack. Comment down below what you think.  <3 

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