Chapter 10

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Many moons passed after the attack. Earthpaw got her warrior name, Earthheart, and Lion had moved to the elder's den. The new Beta of SilverPack was Waterdapple! And soon, new life is coming to SilverPack!

Bluetail's P.O.V

Bluetail kicked out at Goldenstripe. The young medicine wolf expertly avoided it and whisked her tail. 

"It's okay. It'll be over soon." Bluetail felt a tremor in her belly, and a wave of agony sped through her body. She yowled. 

Lemonheart, who had been pacing outside, stuck his head in, worry gleaming in his eyes. "How can I help?" he asked anxiously. 

Fernleaf appeared in the doorway. "Lemonheart, fetch your mate a strong stick that will not yield under pressure. She needs wet moss. Ask Grasspaw to bring some." she ordered. Lemonhert did not hesitate, and immediately withdrew. Fernleaf came in and crouched beside Bluetail. 

Bluetail shut her eyes. "How much longer?" she gasped.

Fernleaf's ears pricked up. "Not long! Here comes the first one! When I put my paws on your belly, push!"

She had barely finished saying that when a wave of fresh pain swept over. Bluetail felt the medicine wolf's paws on her, and pushed. Immediately the pain lessened. Bluetail felt a stick being moved next to her head. She opened her yes. A beautiful puppy was lying next to her. Goldenstripe was nipping off the sac. Fernleaf stretched out her nose and gently prodded the pup over to Bluetail's stomach. It began to suckle. Before Bluetail could comprehend anything, she was forced onto her side again. She gripped the stick in her jaws and bit down. It helped with the pain. Another puppy was soon suckling. Both puppies were reddish tan like their father. In another couple of heartbeats there were two more pups lying beside Bluetail. Both were grayish blue like their mother. "Three females, one male!" announced Fernleaf. Bluetail licked them, she curled around them to sleep. 

When she woke, a paw was prodding her. Lemonheart! "Hello, my love," she murmured. Lemonheart curled next to her. "We have to think of names," he woofeed softly. Bluetail licked her nose. "I was thinking Featherpup for the female that looks like me with white markings. For the male that looks like you with blue markings, Ravenpup. Then you can decide on the other ones," softly she said.

"Great names!" exclaimed Lemonheart. "This female one should be Amberpup. And this female should be Willowpup." Bluetail gazed at her mate with adoration. "It fits perfectly! Go tell the pack and Alpha! And Beta! And Delta! And Sa-"

Lemonheart interrupted. "Don't worry," he promised. "I'll tell everyone!" and he left the den. Distinctly she heard him climbing up to Alpha's de. She looked at her pups. They were beautiful! Some time later she heard Alpha howling the summons. Bluetail padded to the mouth of the nursery, making sure her pups were still sleeping in the nest. She sought out her Alpha's gaze, Alpha blinked at her proudly. Then Alpha raised her head. "I have some great news!" she howled. "Bluetail has just given birth to Lemonheart's pups'! Bluetail, did you get names yet?" Bluetail, conscious of every wolves' eyes on her, stepped forward and dipped her head. "Three females, Amberpup, Featherpup, Willowpup. And one male, Ravenpup." she said in a clear voice that carried through the clearing. "Congratulations, Lemonheart and Bluetail!" said Alpha, turning to her pack once more. "Waterdapple, please organize a couple of patrols. Fernleaf and Goldenstripe, please come to my den." And whisking her tail as dismissal, the Alpha disappeared into her den.

Silverfang's P.O.V

Silverfang trotted into her den with Fernleaf and Goldenstripe at her heels. Fernleaf sat.

"You wanted me, Alpha?" she asked politely.

"Yes. My belly hurts and I feel tired all the time. What is wrong with me, Fernleaf?" Silverfang said and lay on her side.

Fernleaf flicked Goldenstripe with her tail. "Go get marigold, comfrey, and thyme from our stores." she said.

As Goldenstripe left, Fernleaf turned back to Silverfang and started to check her over with her paws. When Goldenstripe came back, Silverfang propped herself up into a resting position.

"Well?" she demanded. "Am I sick?"

Goldenstripe crouched next to her Alpha.

"No, you are not sick. There is good news. You are expecting pups!" she cried jubilantly.

Silverfang stared at both medicine wolves. "Really?" she asked hesitantly.

When Fernleaf nodded, Silverfang let out a howl of delight. She got to her paws and bounded over to the clearing. Rabbitclaw was coming out of the warriors den. Silverfang nearly knocked him over as she skidded to a halt.

"Rabbitclaw, can you come and take a walk with me?" Silverfang panted.

Rabbitclaw nodded. "Sure! I need to stretch my legs!"

They were quiet as they walked down to the stream. Rabbitclaw waded through it, shuddering.

"It's too cold!" he woofed, shaking the water off his paws.

Silverfang let her tongue loll. "I'll race you to the top of that hill!" she cried, and took off, her bushy tail streaming behind her.

Rabbitclaw hissed playfully. "I'll beat you!"

He took off running after Silverfang, and easily outstripped her. Panting, they climbed to the top of the hill. Rabbitclaw sat next to his mate and they leaned into each other.

Rabbitclaw looked at her. "Did you want to tell me something?" he asked quietly.

Silverfang sighed. "Yes, Rabbitclaw, I have news. Not bad news!" she added hastily, seeing the look on his face. "I'm expecting pups!"

Rabbitclaw stared at her. "Really?" he asked, his voice hushed.


Rabbitclaw jumped to his paws. "My love! How great! Are you feeling okay? Are you hungry? Do you want to lie down? Are you warm enou-"

Silverfang laughed. "I'm okay, I'm okay. It's not like I'm giving birth now!" she interrupted.

Rabbitclaw didn't want to hear excuses. "Come to the nursery, have Fernleaf take a look at you! You shouldn't be out!"

"She already did."

Rabbitclaw paused, paw in the air.

"Then we'll make a nest for you in the nursery."

Silverfang laughed and let him steer her down to the camp. Rabbitclaw nudged her and she trotted into the nursery. Bluetail and Lemonheart were there, crouching next to their pups. Both of them looked up when Silverfang walked in.

"Hello, Alpha," said Bluetail. "What brings you here?"

Silverfang brushed her fur along Bluetail. "I'm expecting!" she said proudly.

"Congratulations, Alpha! Let me make you a nest here!"

Silverfang sat down and watched them get moss and pile it into a nest. 

With a murmur of gratitude, Silverfang sank into it and the den dissolved into a forest. A beautiful she-wolf with a silver pelt and stars in her fur was standing in front of Silverfang. Silverfang's breath caught into her throat.


Silverfang rushed forward.

Starshine dipped her head. "Hello, daughter. Congratulations. But I must give a warning. If brought up wrong, one pup will grow up to be a monster, and another will defeat it. Raise your pups right, Silverfang."

Silverfang stared at her mother, aghast. "I will!" she said.

DUN DUN DUN! Starshine brought a pRoPhEcY!!!! Will it come true?

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