Chapter 14

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Goldenstripe's P.O.V

Goldenstripe patiently sat next to Willowpaw.

"Poppy seeds. . .borage . . .tansy - " muttered Willowpaw as she sorted herbs.

"No, that's marigold," corrected Goldenstripe.

Willowpaw put the yellow leaf into a hole.

Willowpaw looked up. "This is watermint, then catmint, then comfrey, right?" she asked her mentor.

Goldenstripe sheepishly shook her head. "That's watermint. But yes, those are catmint and comfrey. This one is yarrow. We use it if a wolf ate something bad," she said, waving her tail at the different herbs in turn.

"Watermint . . . tansy. . . comfrey . . great StarPack, there's so much to learn!" mumbled Willowpaw under her breath.

Goldenstripe flicked her apprentice's ear. "You've worked hard today, you can go fetch yourself something to eat, and then ask Redbelly to clean out the stale moss in the den" she said, looking outside.

Willowpaw nodded, and left. Goldenstripe followed her and, walking over to the prey pile, sniffed around hopefully. She had just settled down with a fat rabbit to share with her brother, who was already in the clearing, when howls were heard. Goldenstripe rose to her paws as the howls got louder and louder. A small white shape burst into the clearing.


"What's wrong?" she asked, sniffing him for any signs of injury.

Cloudpaw caught his breath and wheezed out a string of words.

"Hunting deer . . . killed it . . . Ashpaw . . . hurt . . . help!" Cludpaw gasped, his flank twitching as he steadied himself.

Goldenstripe bristled, and touching his shoulder with her tail, she whispered, "Come, take me there!"

Straightening up, she called to two warriors. "Firesong! Blossomfur!"

The two older warriors came over expectantly.

Cloudpaw nodded, and even though he most obviously had a cramp, raced out of camp. As Goldenstripe followed the young apprentice, she thought about Tigertooth, her brother.

What if he was the one hurt?

Rage burned in her belly and she ran harder, faster. Cloudpaw slowed, and Goldenstripe could smell blood and deer and wolf. She skidded to a halt in between the trees and crouched beside the still form of Ashpaw, who was laying on the ground. Her shoulder was twisted strangely, and she let out faint whimpers. Her paws were bleeding too. Goldenstripe called out orders. "Firesong! Get me comfrey and cobwebs now. Blossomfur, find moss and brackon. Ashpaw needs to be comfortable before we can move her." she snapped.

Both wolves turned and headed into the undergrowth. Goldenstripe examined Ashpaw.

She wasn't dead . . . perhaps shocked.

"Cloudpaw, get some thyme leaves from that tree," she said.

Cloudpaw, frightened for his sister, took off.

Firesong pushed his way to the medicine wolf with leaves in his jaws. He set them down and raced back, the way they come, adding a hurried "I'm going to fetch help," over his shoulder. Blossomfur came over with a lot of moss and bracken and she and Goldenstripe piled it up around the unconscious apprentice. Goldenstripe chewed up some comfrey and put it on Ashpaw's shoulder. She quickly straightened the apprentice and took some thyme leaves from Cloudpaw, who had just come back.Massaging Ashpaw's throat until she swallowed the leaves, she moved on to the next herb. Taking a bunch of cobwebs, she pressed them to where Ashpaw was bleeding. Once satisfied, Goldenstripe looked up, for paws were beating against the ground.Firesong ran out of the undergrowth, with a knot of warriors at his tail. Fawnberry, Streamfur,Cedarstripe, and Waterdapple burst in, crowding around Goldenstripe. Goldenstripe welled over with worry for Ashpaw. "Waterdapple and Cloudpaw, help Ashpaw back to camp," The pair supported Ashpaw and dissapeard through the trees.

"Fawnberry, Streamfur, Blossomfur, Firesong, and Cedarstripe, carry the deer."

The five wolves took a part of the carcass and headed out, Firesong stooping to clear the path with his paws. Goldenstripe swept a look around and trotted after them.

Once they were all in camp, Goldenstripe guided Cloudpaw to her den. Willowpaw took his place as they struggled to bring Ashpaw into the medicine den. Both apprentices were soon laying in the spare nests.

Goldenstripe turned to Willowpaw. "Fetch some tansy and thyme," she ordered.

Willowpaw scampered to the herb store and grabbed some leaves. Goldenstripe accepted them and fed Cloudpaw and Ashpaw thyme, and after they had swallowed it, gave Ashpaw some tansy. Then Willowpaw turned and hooked a poppy seed on her claws.

"Poppy seeds to help them sleep, right?" she asked.

Goldenstripe nodded. "But you can't overdose! Because then they'll sleep for too long." she said, feeding both apprentices half a seed.

They stopped stirring around and began to snore. Goldenstripe let out a sigh of relief.

"They're going to be alright," she whispered to Willowpaw. "Go tell Alpha that her pups will live!"

Willowpaw nodded, and after carefully sniffing her littermates, hopped out of the den. Goldenstripe quickly stepped out and told Waterdapple that they would be fine with plenty of rest. The latter looked relieved, and nodded gratefully.

Willowpaw bounced back in. "I told Alpha, like you said. She got over the sickness! She smells normal now!" she barked.

"Really?" exclaimed Goldenstripe. "Awesome!" She turned and swept a pile of dusty herbs into a corner.

Willowpaw yawned, and tried to cover it with her tail. Goldenstripe, her eyes sharper than flint, narrowed. "You're exhausted!" she said sternly. "Curl up right now and get some sleep,"

Willowpaw rolled her eyes and settled down beside her brother and sister. She already had trouble keeping her eyes open, and slumped down in her nest, asleep. Goldenstripe, with a final look at her patients, curled up in her nest by the back of the den, and closed her eyes.

Ashpaw's P.O.V

Ashpaw struggled around. Her shoulder was hurting, but not so much, and she felt rested. She opened her eyes. She wasn't in her den! Then events flowed through her mind: The hunt, the deer kicking her. She rolled over and looked around. The place she was in was musty and war, with the scent of herbs hanging in the air. She was lying in a nest of moss and bracken. Ashpaw sunk into a stretch. A pale golden shape hurried over.

"Ah, good, you're awake!" said Goldenstripe briskly, setting down some green leaves. "Eat this, it will help you focus," she woofed softly, prodding them. Ashpaw gulped the furry leaves down, gagging at the sharp taste. Then, consciousness surging into her bones, she noticed Cloudpaw sleeping beside her.

"Is he okay?" she asked, looking at her brother.

"He's just shocked," purred Goldenstripe soothingly.

Ashpaw heaved herself to her paws. "I feel fine now! Can I leave?" she asked impatiently, working her claws into the ground. Goldenstripe snorted. "Let me check your shoulder," she said. Ashpaw rolled her eyes and lay on her shoulder. She felt Goldenstripe's paws run over her, and after a moment, drew back. "All good," Goldenstripe reported. "You can go out!"

Ashpaw flexed her shoulder and ducked outside. It was mid-afternoon, and a patrol was just returning, led by Birchclaw. Ashpaw bounded over to the freshkill pile and carried a blackbird over to the tree stump. There weren't many wolves in camp, so Ashpaw slowly and peacefully ate, watching the sun sink down, inch by inch.When there was just a warm glow where the sun was, Ashpaw headed to the medicine den. Poking her head inside, she sought out Goldenstripe.

"Do I have to sleep here? she asked, twitching her tail at the spare nest.

Goldenstripe shook her head. "You can go back to the apprentices den, provided your shoulder stops hurting.

Ashpas bounced with delight and hurried toward her den. All the other apprentices were already curled in their nests, some were not sleeping, but gazing up. Ashpaw slipped in her nest beside the sleeping mound of fur next to her, and fell asleep.

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