Chapter 7

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Goldenpaw's P.O.V

*Note* Goldenpaw is the apprentice medicine wolf, she is not a warrior apprentince.

"Fernleaf, is this marigold?" Goldenpaw asked her mentor.

Fernleaf nodded.

"Chew it up nicely and put it on the wound," she instructed. Looking at their stores, she suppressed a gasp. "There is none left! We will find some later, don't worry!" she murmured, calming herself more than her apprentice.

Goldenpaw did as she said. They were treating Cinderfur after the battle with Axe and his followers. Axe had killed Sealheart and seriously injured Cinderfur. Silverfang was still grieving over her former apprentice. Fernleaf reached into the cleft and pulled out two poppy seeds.

"Here, eat these," she told the young she-wolf.

Cinderfur obediently licked them up. She settled back and within moments was asleep. Nodding to the older medicine wolf, Goldenpaw stepped out, breathing in her Pack's smell. Settling herself besides her brother, who was sunning himself in the ferns, she asked, "When is your warrior assessment, Tigerpaw?"

The apprentice rolled over, exposing his belly to the sun. "Stagear says any day now. I can't wait!" he told her. "Are you going to become a full medicine wolf anytime soon?" He yawned.

"Well, I have a lot to learn, and I still need to memorize some herbs, but other than that I am totally ready," she answered with a grin.

The siblings curled up, soaking up the sun.

After what felt like only moments, they heard Stagear's voice.

"Tigerpaw, where are you? It's time for your assessment!" he cried.

Tigerpaw woke, and leaping up at once, ran to his mentor. Goldenpaw stretched, and padded up to her brother. The siblings looked at Stagear expectantly.

Stagear glanced at Goldenpaw. "Alright, Goldenpaw, you may watch his assessment but you may not help him, and I will be watching!" He turned to Tigerpaw. "Your job is to bring back as much prey as you can before moonrise. You may go," he concluded, and with a dip of his head swished out of the camp. Tigerpaw bounded into the forest with Goldenpaw padding after him. She watched him kill a rabbit, and saw Stagear looking at him too. Tigerpaw buried the rabbit under a big tree. Goldenpaw walked in a circle to get a better view of how he was creeping up on a squirrel. After some time, she headed back to camp. Soon, the moon was on her way up. Goldenpaw helped her mentor sort herbs, then rushed into the clearing. Tigerpaw was done carrying everything back and was lying near the freshkill pile. And it was big! Squirrels and voles and rabbits lay on the pile. There was a fawn he'd managed to kill. Silverfang glanced at the pile, stood up, and trotted across the clearing to the Starstone. Jumping up, she surveyed her packmates with a calm look. She did the summons, and Goldenpaw helped groom her brother and stood back with her mother and father. Honeystripe's eyes showed much happiness as she watched her son climb up to his Alpha.

Silverfang cleared her throat. "Stagear, is this apprentice ready to become a full wolf?" she asked, looking at Tigerpaw.

"Yes he is indeed," answered the grey wolf.

"Therefore, I give you your name to show your worthiness. From now on, this warrior will be known as Tigertooth." Stepping back, she howled the name, and the rest joined in.

Goldenpaw cheered and nuzzled her brother. Honeystripe licked him on the shoulder. Tigertooth swelled with pride and padded to his sister.

Silverfang leaped down and softly murmured to Goldenpaw, " You might be next!" she whispered with a flick of her ear.

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