Chapter 8

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Bonnie's heart was racing as she found herself wrapped in Zack's embrace and kisses being trailed down her neck. Bonnie didn't necessarily hate it, but it was weird. Like kissing a best friend or somebody off-limits. They didn't kiss like this often, which Bonnie thought was definitely a good thing. The main reason they didn't was that Bonnie hated having people over at her house because it was uncomfortable for her moms, and Zack's mother was very strict when it came to her kid's relationships.

Zack captured Bonnie's lips in a slow and warm kiss and she didn't hesitate to kiss back. Of course, she was freaking out... She always felt a little guilty for leading Zack on the way she did. For not being interested in him or loving him the way he loved her. She had also always dreaded the day true intimacy approached. Zack and Bonnie had never talked about it... They always assumed it would happen when it happened or that Bonnie would bring it up when she was ready. She just hoped Zack wouldn't care that she wasn't ready... Not yet or maybe ever.

Bonnie pulled away and Zack froze for a moment as a look of discomfort washed over Bonnie.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah... Wanna just watch a movie?" Bonnie offered instead. The dark-haired boy just smiled and pulled away to go retrieve his collection of CDs. For the first time ever, his mother had trusted Bonnie and Zack enough to let them have the house to themselves. Bonnie was just relieved that Zack wasn't expecting much. He set down a stack of disks before climbing into bed next to Bonnie and flipping through them.

"The Corpse Bride is always a good option" Zack offered. Bonnie nodded and he quickly set up the movie before awkwardly laying beside Bonnie. He didn't even bother to put an arm over her shoulders due to how tense she was. "Look... About earlier... We don't have to any time soon. I honestly don't mind" Zack shrugged.

"Thanks..." Bonnie's shoulders relaxed slightly and a bright smile erupted onto Zack's face. He put an arm around her and pressed a quick kiss to the side of her head.

Bonnie's mind was preoccupied though. She couldn't stop replaying what Arcadia had told her about the mansion in her head... She knew Arcadia would be there now. Maybe she was dancing or playing a game of some sort. Maybe she was having fun and living her best life as someone free... Maybe she was with another girl and having the best night of her life. Bonnie couldn't help feeling a pang of jealousy because she knew deep down, that that could never be her.

In the Burrows Mansion, the smell of weed was almost overwhelming. Scooter awkwardly glanced over at a group of people smoking just a few feet from them and quickly rushed away. Where was Arcadia? Or better yet, Zara? They had promised them that they'd be there and Scooter couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed. They didn't know anyone well enough to start talking to them. And they just couldn't relax when everything was so loud...

Scooter swallowed the lump in their throat and debated just leaving. It was refreshing to be around other members of their community, sure. But the smells, the noise, and the number of people they didn't know were quickly becoming too much to bear. And that was when they spotted Bay...

They hesitantly made their way across the room knowing very well that they wouldn't be good at holding a conversation with him. But it was better than going home and being alone. They took a seat on an old desk next to where Bay was standing with a drink in his hand and gave him the shyest of smiles.

"Um... Hi," Scooter hummed. Bay glanced down at the freckled-faced teen and a bright smile reached his lips.

"Hey" Scooter twirled a rubber band around their rest to calm their nerves.

"So... I can't find Arcadia or Zara so is it alright if I just... I don't... You know..." Scooter let out a long groan and threw their head back against the wall. Bay couldn't help laughing a little at that. "I can't talk"

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