Chapter 10

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Arcadia's laughter echoed down the streets as the two girls sprinted down the empty road, one afraid for her life and the other enjoying the thrill. After Arcadia had punched Matt, the girl had had the audacity to laugh. When she realized Matt wanted her dead even more than before, she had dragged Bonnie down the roads to escape while the boys gave chase.

Bonnie's heart was racing, partially out of fear and partially from running. She couldn't understand how Arcadia could possibly be enjoying this... Maybe the girl was just crazy. That would explain everything from the fighting to her twisted sense of humor. For a minute, Bonnie was weirded out by how... Different... Arcadia was.

Bonnie had had the idea that girls should be polite and passive bolted into her mind at a young age. Her grandmother had been sure to raise Bonnie to he nothing short of proper, even when Bonnie's mother didn't care much for it. Bonnie spent a lot of time with her grandmother growing up. She was taught to be quiet and respectful. To never speak out of turn, to remain modest and kind, and to always keep up appearances.

Arcadia went against all of those things... Bonnie was told to avoid conflict. Arcadia dove into it headfirst. Bonnie was told to never slouch and to always maintain perfection. Arcadia had the worst posture and had no problem with failure. Bonnie was told to be passive and polite. To never talk out of turn and to remain respectful. Arcadia didn't have a filter and said the first thing that came to mind, regardless of how others felt.

Bonnie didn't realize just how much she loved those differences until she was yanked into an alleyway behind a dumpster. Luckily, their lead combined with what little light the moon provided meant that they had lost Matt and his friends. And after a few minutes of silence, Arcadia broke out laughing.

"Oh my god. Did you see his face after I hit him? I thought he was going to start crying like a little bitch for a minute" Arcadia laughed. Bonnie stared at her in disbelief for a few moments before a smile slipped and she joined in on the laughter.

"You have nice aim" Bonnie admitted without much thought. She was relaxed for the first time in a long time. Not stressed over what anyone would think... It was just Arcadia, and she didn't feel the need to uphold her perfect image for a few moments.

"I know" Arcadia smirked. Bonnie leaned back against the brick wall, smiling down at Arcadia, allowing herself to enjoy the moment for once. "Thanks for coming to my rescue by the way"

"I think it was more you doing the rescuing" Bonnie admitted with a small laugh. Arcadia bit down on their bottom lip, struggling to hide her smile. She glanced around before going to her toes and catching Bonnie's lips in a quick kiss. Bonnie froze, for a moment unable to comprehend what had happened. Her heart was racing and she desperately wanted to kiss her back... It was just one kiss. She could handle one kiss... So she kissed her back. Only for a few seconds before Arcadia pulled away, leaving Bonnie still paralyzed in shock. 

"Yeah, well what can I say? I'm just that amazing" Arcadia hummed with a small and teasing smile. Bonnie swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to suppress her nerves. She tried to suppress her shock and anxiety that was building up as well... And then she just said fuck it and pulled Arcadia in for another kiss.


Arran's dad had left town again. There were always mixed feelings when he did that. Part of him was just glad to be able to come home, even if it was a dump. To be allowed to be himself and to not worry about his dad. The other part hated when he left. He wanted more time to prove he was worthy of his dad's approval. He wanted more time to talk about cars with him or to yell at a hockey game with Winston and Christian. He just wanted to have a dad.

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