Chapter 18

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Arcadia stared across the street at the simple blue building across the street from her she had been in a handful of times. The roses out front were carefully trimmed and the lawn was a dark and rich green that was proof of excellent care. There was an American flag hanging out front that looked to be brand new despite being the same flag that had been there for years. Everything was neat, perfectly straight, and tidy. The complete opposite of Arcadia.

She wasn't supposed to be nervous or anxious. She wasn't supposed to be stressing out or feel like less than or not good enough... Even if it was true. If Arcadia knew anything about Bonnie's household it was that it was very orderly and filled with perfection and routine. It was filled with high expectations and well-presenting people. Nothing like what Arcadia was used to.

Arcadia was smart enough to get a decent grade, sure. But she wasn't exceptionally beautiful or clever or well-rounded. She was just a mess... A ticking time bomb waiting to explode at any moment to destroy any peacefulness around her. It was pretty clear she wasn't good enough for somebody like Bonnie. It was clear that all she was capable of was destruction.

She had been okay with that at one point... She had accepted that and even thrived in it. She always came home with black eyes and bruises trailing up her sides. She never opened up to others and always kept her friends at arm's length. She got into fights, she didn't try, she was just a lost cause. Nothing like Bonnie.

She was used to being judged and looked down upon. And usually, she was okay with it because people expected less of her and she didn't have to try so hard anymore. This time it was different... This time she wanted to be worth something, to be someone worthwhile. Even if it was just for a few minutes... But that wasn't happening anytime soon.

She sighed and shoved her insecurities aside before heading up to the front door. She knocked expecting just about anyone to answer but silently praying it was Bonnie. She'd be mortified if she had to talk to Bonnie's moms or even Tj alone. They'd realize she wasn't enough very quickly...

"Arcadia! It's great to see you again" A tall and muscular woman with the same coily dark hair as Tj and pretty brown eyes. Arcadia had seen her around town a million times over and met her once or twice when she had come over to work on a project with Bonnie.

"Hey... Donna" Arcadia shifted her weight to her heels and glanced down at the ground feeling somewhat uncomfortable. Everything was foreign to her from the nice collared shirts Donna wore to the white carpeting in the house. It was all too nice, too put together, too untouched by harm.

"Come in, come in. Bonnie and Neha are inside making dinner" Donna quickly waved her in before stepping aside to let Arcadia in. Arcadia hesitantly took off her dirty Converse before following Donna down the hall and into a nice tastefully decorated kitchen with matching blue dishrags and kitchen appliances that kept to the same color scheme as if they belonged in a set. Two women, both tall and tan with long dark hair shuffled around. Jazz music played in the background but was drowned out by their conversation and laughter. Sitting on the counter and licking a spatula covered in chocolate batter clean was Tj.

"Bonnie, Mom makes way better deserts than you. This tastes like crap" Tj mocked, receiving a harsh glare from Bonnie in return.

"Yet you're still eating it you pig" Bonnie scoffed.

"It's chocolate. Of course, I'm going to eat it, no matter how much it sucks ass- ow"

"Quit being a dick and don't use that language in my house" Donna scoffed after slapping her son on the back of the head. "Bonnie, your guest is here" Bonnie's face lit up as she turned to face Arcadia before heading over and pulling her into a quick hug.

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