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Working on chapter 7 soon :]

This chapter is heavily inspired by the art in the first chapter,
Once again, I did get permission from the artist to use her work as reference :]

Also my personal favourite chapter ~

Atsumu's POV
Back to the early morning

I ran my hand through my hair as I pulled up to the mall, of course the investigation was still ongoing, sirens sounded as more cops pulled up, the general public glanced with shock and curiosity as they walked passed the scene. Some standing next to the police tape letting their eyes linger for a while.

I'm not sure what was so intriguing, it's not like it was a murder scene. Well, I guess it was done by the Sakusa gang after all, it's probably what brought so much attention to the matter. I guess it would be considered a casual robbery if it were done by anyone else.

I exit my car and began walking to the front of the building, allowing myself to scan my surroundings. It appeared the owners of the jewellery shop had found out what happened now. Their facial expressions a mix of surprise and sadness. The woman had her head down, occasionally nodding at what the officer told her, the man wrapped his arm around her in comfort.
I couldn't imagine having my business ruined like that. But I suppose, we managed to stop them before everything had gone, the store still had a decent amount of things. It would allow them to carry on work for a while.

As I continued to stroll, I couldn't help but have that strange feeling again, chills ran down my spine. The same feelings as last night, like eyes of daggers were drilling into me, again.

I trusted my instinct again, my head turning quickly to the side of the building. To not much of a shock, I once again locked eyes with the mysterious figure...but deep down I knew exactly who this was.

Time froze for a second, the sirens became mute, the people around me disappeared. his eyes were looking directly into mine, I could faintly see strands of curly hair falling above them.
Although my trance broke when the guy staggered up and ran rapidly. My senses regained and I immediately followed. Fuck his reflexes.

Once again stares of the police officers and the public fell on me, but I couldn't care. I wasn't going to let him get away. Not again. This would end, now.

I called out to the figure, my voice straining. I didn't want to make the same mistake of slowing down again. I kept up my immense speed, hand on my cold pistol if i were to be attacked. I stayed prepared. But if it really was the same guy from last night, I wouldn't need it until I caught him.

As I reached the side of the building I could still see the figure, I once again yelled after him. I've got you now.

As expected, the boy in all black ran down an alleyway, to avoid being spotted by anyone else. I took no hesitation In following him. The sun was almost risen, the streets would become more crowded soon.
But I couldn't let him escape, not again. I have to get him. I quickened my pace, until I came to a dead stop.

I pointed my gun at him, it was already aimed at his head within a second.

"One move and I'll shoot you!" I yelled, my voice stern and loud.

A light breeze suddenly passed by, the hood of the figure fell down..
It revealed his hair and facial features. There was no mistaking it.

Kiyoomi Sakusa.

There he was, In all his glory.
His curled black hair lightly bounced in the wind, draping over his eyes.
His eyes-
I locked with them, the brown orbs glistened in the rising sun's rays.
They were dull, cold and dark. It was like they hadn't felt emotions in years.
But I could feel something hidden in them, a story being held captive, locked behind bars...never to be heard...

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