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Atsumu P.O.V (from last chapter)

I close my eyes as I prepare to fall asleep, my shift finally done, glad to get some shut eye. The owls's hoots echoed from outside, apart from that silence surrounded me as I tried to let sleep engulf me. I began drifting off, when a loud sound echoed from beside me, jolting me up right.

I groggily look to my bedside table to my phone, who the hell is calling me at this time? I pick it up, letting my eyes adjust to the sudden brightness first, before making out the contact name. When I saw it was Daichi, I knew something was wrong, or important even, I quickly answered pulling the phone to my ear and listening carefully.

"Atsumu," his deep voice began from the other line, serious but calm tempered. "we need you here now, the local mall is being robbed right now, we already have police here. We think it's Sakusa's gang but we're not sure." He ended, waiting for my response. I could hear the mumbles of voices and sirens behind him.

My eyes widened a little in shock, I was not expecting this. I shook my head quickly, snapping me out my trance.

"Yeah of course! I'll be there in a minute." I blurt out, hanging up the phone right after and rushing out my bed.
I wasn't bothered by what I wore right now, it wasn't important. I quickly grabbed my work outfit, not bothering with my tie. I would usually stress about my hair, but I didn't care right now. This was the only chance to catch them right now.
I grabbed my bag running down to my car outside the building. The wind blowing my hair out my face as the bitter air greeted me once I stepped outside.

I started the engine of my car, immediately turning on the siren, and speeded through the streets. It took merely a few minutes to reach the scene, once I pulled in, what I saw seemed much more extreme that I could ever imagine.

The Sakusa gang really is this big of a threat, huh?

I thought to myself as I saw the mass of the police gathered at the front of the building, Shielding themselves and guns at hand. They were aiming to the entrance, as if the gang would just run out of there.
But I guess you don't know how crazy they really are.
But they aren't that dumb, they have to move.
I looked around quickly, confused to why no police were surveying the side of the building.

I pushed open my car door, and was straight away greeted by Daichi.

"Atsumu!" He yelled over the sirens and shouting of people. I walked up to him, already requesting him to talk me through what's happened.

He began to talk, I kept my gaze on the building, looking through the windows, examining, but still listening to the male beside me.

"We suddenly got a call from a security guard the mall was being robbed and he had no clue. The way he described their movements, and the fact he had no clue they were in the building..it has to be Sakusa's gang, no amateur is capable of this."

I nodded after, not bothering to speak a response. I walked in front of all the police officers, they saw my badge flash from within my jacket, so not bothering to argue. Allowing me to stand ahead, and walk to their chief. Daichi following behind me, one of the higher ups as well.

"Hey!" I spoke to the chief beside me, a middle aged man, a scowl on his face. He surely looked intimidating and serious. He turned to look me, I saw him look angrily towards me, I could assume what question he would be asking, so before he asked I pulled out my badge. Confirming I was the head detective on this case.

"What can I help you with?" He asked, looking at me intently.

"I want ya to spread your men out to the back of the building, yer have no chance they will come out this way, they'll be escaping from the back entrance." I commanded, folding my arms over my chest, although the chief didn't seem amused at all, and just shook his head.

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