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Third person

An abandoned building stood, slightly hidden away by the new polished towers and houses, its outside walls rotting and dark, overgrown plants spilled from the roof, a dark alley was sat next to it. No one knew where it led to, no one wanted to know. It left an unsettling aura, you would feel chills run down your spine every time you passed it. It was a place kids would dare eachother to go down.

"It's abandoned, just go down it!" They would say, as thats what everyone thought. And that's exactly the point.
Because this building was not abandoned at all, inside sat possibly a million pounds worth of money and stolen goods. (I still don't know how yen works, so enjoy my British ways of using money-)
Advanced technology lingered inside, high quality CCTV cameras were hidden away by plants and the grime from outside, blending in with the black walls, making them un-visible.

Most importantly, the people inside.
This wasn't some ordinary hideout, no, it was the hideout for the notorious villain gang.


"I swear to god, if you keep fidgeting I'm throwing you off this couch." Iwaizumi groaned at the male who he currently had his arms firmly wrapped around. The other male just chuckled.

"Rude Iwa-chan~" Oikawa replies, hitting the elder's arm lightly.

"Do you two ever stop bickering?" A deep voice echoed from behind them along with a grumble. The raven haired male complained, his head resting against his hand as he leant against the marble counter. Although, he raised his head a little to look at the other two's reaction.

"Absolutely not." The flamboyant male said confidently, falling back into Iwaizumi's arms, who just smiled at other. Sakusa rolled his eyes at the couple, huffing to himself.

He told himself that he found the two incredibly annoying, and was rather tired of their clinginess. They were practically inseparable when they arrived back to the hideout after a mission.
Or, at times he thought he was jealous of the comfort they got from eachother and the contact.

No, I've gone over two decades without any kind of loving physical contact, I don't need it now.

Sakusa was a rather interesting character, he was a typical criminal. He showed hardly any emotions, like they had been drained out of him. He seemed like the type to not care for anyone, to be self infested and selfish. That wasn't the case, he surely didn't show it, but he cared for his gang. He spent a lot of his life with them, he wants to be like their last leader.

Who we'll get into another time...

His gang came first over his life, everyone knew that Sakusa cared, even if he would never admit it himself. And of course, in return, they would do everything they can to protect their leader. It was a simple motto, I'll protect you as long as you protect me. That's how it worked in this gang. It applied to everyone in the gang. Including the ones who were new or hardly trained.

If someone heard that motto without context, they would think it's from a heroic force, who vowed to protect everyone. And yet, it was from a villain gang.

Iwaizumi, was another interesting individual. Despite not being the leader, he acted like it at times, and was vice in charge. If something were to happen Sakusa, he would take over. He would let people know, that even without Sakusa they should still be feared and taken seriously.

Although, there was still another interesting member of this gang.
A quiet boy, who would almost never speak, only when it was necessary on missions, few words escaped his mouth in the hideout. His small figure, raven hair and silent demeanour made him perfect for sneaking around. He was a key part to this gang, no one could replace him.

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