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Third person

Sakusa began his walk home, the sun still rising behind the clouds, the bright rays glowing on his pale skin, a contrast to himself.
It was rare , that inconveniences ever occurred to the boy. All his mind was, focus on the work, focus on the task, focus on the next crime. What else was there to think about in a world like this, full of injustice, cruelty. He was simply paying the world back for what happened to him.

None the less, new thoughts, unusual thoughts, couldn't help but track into his mind. Clawing their way in.
That stupid detective.

He had many opportunities to kill him. One movement of a finger, one press of a trigger. The head detective gone, a new one would come unprepared.
The lingering reason to why he didn't shoot, was burning at the back of his head. He groaned, pressing his gloved hand lightly against his head.

I guess that unexplained interest was stronger than he originally thought.
A desire struck him, a desire to see the detective again. He cringed at the feeling.

A metallic taste found it's way to his mouth, he pulled down his mask seeing the blood from the blow he received. It split his lip pretty bad.

Sakusa smirked. The one which others would call insane, one that terrified.
The detective sure had strong combat skills, the villain himself struggled to get him pinned down, and even managed to get a nasty punch to the face! Impressive.
But, still not strong enough. The raven haired boy stood stronger, more experienced. He knew about every move his opponent would take, each step, each punch.

A life full of training will always win against a few years.

But a fist still managed to be placed on his face.

You truly are interesting, detective...

Very interesting in fact actually...
Sakusa furrowed his eyebrows deep in thought.

The shorter boy didn't shoot him either. Why not?
A clear shot was evident. The alley was silent, empty. Only Sakusa stood there. No distractions. Sure, even if he did shoot, Sakusa would've dodged it, but that's not the point.

He only recalled how deeply they looked into each others eyes, well, how deeply the detective pierced into his. A shiver shone down his spine.
In the moment it was like he was being depicted, analysed. As if someone was searching through his entire life story, begging for answers , he cringed once again.  The feeling unfamiliar and daunting.
He couldn't even recall the eye colour of his opponent, too many thoughts were rushing around, plans, escapes, violence.

But, maybe that was the reason. My eyes?
Maybe he got distracted, shocked that he was stood face to face with the biggest villain currently roaming free. Another smirk plastered onto his face.

Either way, Sakusa knew exactly how to approach him next time. He knew he wouldn't shoot him now, I guess I really will be seeing you again, officer.

Before he knew it, he was already strolling back into the hideout, sighing. The metallic taste still prominent in his mouth, gross. He would definitely be heading for a shower.

He walked down the alley. Not a sound echoed, even his foot steps remained silent, as if the smallest sound would give away his entire cover, once wrong footing and the gang would fall.
He gracefully stepped over overgrown vines, and plants that spewed from the ground, the rotting walls around him made him feel a strong disgust. He hated having to enter in such a unhygienic way, but of course it would be rather suspicious if the area suddenly got cleaned.

Water dripped from the roof, falling carefully off leafs, it's droplets a calming melody as they crashed against the floor, shattering and evaporating away.
Such a short lived life they had, yet they repeated the same cycle everyday.

The damp air smelled grim, the air moist.

Sakusa opened the door to the general area, where he could already hear some voices echoing from the walls. The door closed behind him, blending back in with the walls , as if it never opened.
A groan erupted from his throat.
He really didn't want to talk to anyone right, but unfortunately his room was past the main area. His stone face demeanour returned, hoping that if he looked serious the others would get the hint.

His hand pulled down the cold metal as he walked into the room.
No surprise occurred when he saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi sitting on the sofa. The taller boy practically In the others lap. A disapproving look appeared on the leader's face.

Both the figure's head whipped round to the sound, a small gasp sounding from Oikawa.
His eyes scanned the other quickly.

"Woah what happened to you? Looks like a nasty cut." His voice was full of curiosity rather than worry. He hopped out of Iwaizumi's lap and made his way to Sakusa.
The leader took a step back, not wanting him to get too close.

"It's nothing, just got into a small fight." The monotone voice echoed, a casual response. His face remained uninterested, trying to get off hints he didn't want to talk.

The hacker frowned, his eyebrows furrowed.

"With who? Everyone knows your appearance, Y'know? You're gonna be reported." The eldest told him, concern knitted in his tone.
Sakusa couldn't help but smirk. A small sense of pride flowed through him.
A sense was telling him, that the detective would not be telling anyone about what occurred. He knew that for sure.

"Trust me, no one will be hearing about this." Kiyoomi replied, giving the vice leader a reassuring glance, before making his way to his room, leaving the two alone once again.
That was for the better, he despised being around their clinginess

"They better not! And go clean that cut before it gets infected!" Iwaizumi yelled out after Sakusa as he walked out the door, a stern and agitated tone. The raven haired boy rolled his eyes, Hajime sure acted like a mom at times. Although sometimes more leader like than Sakusa himself.

But seriously. Sakusa Kiyoomi, allow something to get infected. Who did he think he was?
He didn't bother responding, he just pulled himself up the stairs to his room.

His room was simplistic , aside from the huge cabinet with various dangerous weapons and equipment of course.
But only a bed and draws stood inside, his clothes all black and similar, he didn't need many, as long they stayed washed.
His bed sheets were grey , nothing special. He wasn't a very colourful person , surprisingly. (Joking ofc LMAO))

The male found his way to his bed, falling onto the soft mattress. The lingering thoughts once again resurfaced as he stared up at his ceiling motionlessly.

He sighed, placing his arm over his eyes, his eyelids fluttering closed.

I'll get behind this mystery, whats so interesting about you?


Okay that was a short update , I'll get to writing the next Chapter rn as it's also short, so you'll have that tomorrow rather than a week as these chapters are short.

Also sorry for very late updates-
I've recently been getting out of Haikyuu so it's hard for me to stay motivated to write quejajs

Also aha, I have exam season next week, so I have a lot of work to do (,:

I'll see y'all next update tho!
Also, thank you all for 100 followers!
If ya wanna follow me, Y'know, I ain't stopping ya  😳✋🏼

- San <3

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