Chapter 8 Bokuto and Akaashi

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Bokuto was running around excitedly, " Look Kaashi it's a tree house. Can we have our picnic up there? Akaashi looked at the rickety structure, " I don't know if it's safe Bokuto san", Akaashi replied.

He turned around to find the hyper boy looking at him with puppy dog eyes, "Please Kaashi, I'll make sure that you're safe, I'll even carry you up there if you like". "OK Bokuto san we can climb up there but I may need a little help" Akaashi smiled.

After about 30 minutes they had made it up the tree and into the house. "Kaashi, Bokuto said excitedly, we can sit here and hang our legs over the edge. It'll be fun." "I don't think that I can do that Bokuto san, a trembling Akaashi replied, I'm a little scared of heights." "It's ok Kaashi I'll hold your hand and keep you safe".

Akaashi felt like he trusted this smiling man child with his whole life even though they had only met 24 hours earlier. He didn't know what it was about him but he knew that if Bokuto said that he would protect you he would, with his life.

Akaashi eventually sat and lowered his legs over the edge, and as he did Bokuto gently took his hand and made gentle circles on his palm with his thumb. Akaashi looked closer at him and noticed his kind, sparkling, golden eyes and his genuine smile and felt something that he had never felt before. He had butterflies in his stomach because of this beautiful boy and Akaashi knew even then that he wanted to be with him.

"Kaashi, are you ok, he asked the dark haired boy with concern in his voice, you seem to be deep in thought". "I'm fine Bokuto san I'm just enjoying the view." Akaashi then looked away and just lost himself in his thoughts.

Bokuto found himself staring at the beautiful boy. He thought, I can't believe that anyone could be this pretty and not be vain and conceited, but Akaashi wasn't. Akaashi was kind, warm and funny and a genuinely caring person. He continued to gaze at the boys face, he loved his dark fluffy hair, his beautiful gun metal blue eyes, his long eyelashes and his soft full lips. Bokuto hadn't realised that he was staring so intently until he heard...

"Bokuto san, Bokuto can you hear me? " Sorry Akaashi, I was just enjoying the scenery. Did you want something?" the larger boy asked. " Yes Bokuto san we're going to be late for the barbeque and you need to help me down" Akaashi replied nervously.

"Yeah, Akaashi I'll help you down. I'm so excited we are having MEAT, MEAT and more MEAT". Akaashi chuckled to himself and then clung onto Bokuto as they made their way down fro the tree.

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