𝟭. 𝗮𝘂𝗱𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻

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Oh, Sam I Am!

It was the first day of sophomore year for Charlotte Hudson and she had a feeling that this year would be a good one. With a bright smile on her face, she walked the familiar halls of McKinley High in search of some of her friends to tell them she had missed them even though she had spent most of her summer with them.

However, instead of finding a glee club friend, she found herself staring into a camera and JBI's eyes. That was not what she hoped the start of the year would entail.

"Baby Hudson, how was your summer?" He immediately asked, wriggling his eyebrows at her as she tried to back away slightly.

"Um...it was fine." She answered awkwardly, trying to look over his head in hopes of seeing someone who cared enough to save her.

"What's it like knowing that glee club sucks even more now that you lost regionals?" he said quickly, shoving the microphone into her face for her to talk.

"Well..." she started, but before she could continue he cut her off, "Rumour has it you're still single!"


"Is it upsetting to see your brother in a relationship and you're just lonely?" He continued, bringing the camera closer to her every time she tried to take a step backwards.

As she started to grow even more uncomfortable, her voice became higher pitched as she politely asked, "Could you please stop asking these questions?"

Ignoring her completely, JBI grinned as he interrogated her further, "You think that you might join the cheerios this year so you're not just a massive glee loser? It might save your image."

Struggling to think of a way to get out of this situation, Charlotte decided to keep being polite about it, even though she wanted to scream at him for insulting her so much, "Sorry, I really have to go..."

When he was about to open his mouth to insult the poor girl again, a different, deeper voice spoke instead, "Dude, I don't think she wants to talk to you."

Charlotte looked beside her where the mystery person was stood, and she found herself looking at a very cute, blonde haired boy who met his green eyes with her brown ones. A small smile began to appear on her lips as he sent a warm smile of his own to her.

"New boy?" JBI grinned menacingly, his face lighting up at the idea of 'interviewing' another student. He almost squealed with excitment at the thought.

Luckily, Charlotte saw someone from glee club and attempted to divert JBI's attention to them so he didn't completely freak the new boy out, and also because she wanted to talk to the blonde boy stood beside her but that was beside the point really.

She pointed over at the unfortunate glee clubber and said in mock enthusiasm, "Oh my gosh! It's Noah Puckerman! I'm sure he has a lot of gossip to give you!" she forced a smile, sending him off on his way down the hall, chasing after Puck who practically sprinted into the boys changing room.

"Sorry about that. He's annoying" Charlotte sighed once JBI was definitely out of ear shot, turning to face the new boy.

"Are you okay? you seemed pretty uncomfortable there." he asked genuinely, making her smile at the fact he actually cared.

She shook her head with a small laugh, brushing the whole situation off like it was nothing, mainly because it was pretty normal for the glee kids. "I'm fine, he does this every year."

The boy nodded in understanding, although he was slightly baffled, "Sounds...frustrating"

With a shrug of her shoulders, far too accustomed to the crazy things that happen at Mckinley, she said simply, "You get used to it"

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