𝟵. 𝘆𝗲𝘀/𝗻𝗼

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I think you look sexier now

Mr Schue was very excited as he bounced into the Choir room

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Mr Schue was very excited as he bounced into the Choir room. Despite being very confused at how lively he was, Charlotte sat with an amused expression as her teacher pointed a finger over to Finn while he skipped towards the whiteboard. "Finn! Give me a drumroll!"

While Finn tapped on the drums with a smile, the rest of the Glee club tried to guess what their teacher was writing on the board. As they sounded out the letters, they gasped when they read the words: MARRY ME?

"Yes, I am proposing to Ms. Pillsbury." Mr Schue announced and the group broke out into excited cheers, Charlotte reaching down and shaking Mike's shoulders with a big smile on her face.

Pleased with their very supportive reactions, Mr Schue laughed as they cheered and clapped. "This is the kind of news that you share with your family, and you guys are my family."

"Mr. Shue, we're so happy for you." Finn beamed at his teacher.

"We totally don't think you'll screw it up this time." Quinn teased causing the man to chuckle a bit.

"Here's the thing: it's got to be perfect." Mr Schue started to explain, very seriously. "I'm sitting down with Emma's parents to ask for permission, and then this proposal needs to knock her well-washed socks off. And that's where you guys come in, okay? So the assignment for the week is to come up with a proposal number. And you know Ms. Pillsbury-it's got to be perfect."

With a firm nod and a massive smile, Artie took a quick look around at all of his friends who were ready to come up with the perfect proposal ever. "Well you can count on us Mr.Schue!"

After the Glee club meeting that day, Sam managed to catch up to Charlotte who was walking to her locker with a spring in her step

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After the Glee club meeting that day, Sam managed to catch up to Charlotte who was walking to her locker with a spring in her step. She was a sucker for romance and this proposal made her extremely happy, and Sam couldn't help but smile at how cute she was.

"Hey!" He said once he was by her side. "Pretty romantic, huh? Think you're going to get married someday?"

"I want to." She smiled up at him. "Why? You know someone who wants to be stuck with me forever?"

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