𝟭𝟲. 𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗸𝗲

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is that a wizard?

In true Sam and Charlotte fashion, the couple were bonding over their favourite of Sam's chapsticks as they stood at his locker

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In true Sam and Charlotte fashion, the couple were bonding over their favourite of Sam's chapsticks as they stood at his locker. The pair tended to have a lot of conversations at either of their lockers before school every morning, and today they were doing just that.

After Puck had sung Schools Out, everyone was concerned for their friend. No one wanted Puck to just give up on school this close to the end when he'd made it so far, and that seemed to be the topic of conversation for this mornings chat.

"You think Puck is gonna graduate?" Sam asked Charlotte, popping a chapstick back into his locker after applying it to his lips.

Charlotte sighed with a shrug. "I hope so. He does want to deep down, I think he just doesn't believe he can."

"We're gonna help him, okay?" Sam assured, placing a hand on her shoulder. "The boys all want to study with him so he passes that one test. I'll sneak you there."

Charlotte giggled a bit at his idea to get her to help without the guys knowing. "You know I'm pretty sure they'd let me come. Mike would probably fight for me."

"Yeah, Puck does think you're one of the boys." Sam shrugged with a chuckle.

"That's just because I'm cooler than all of you guys combined." She pointed out with a grin.

With an amused expression, Sam nodded, unable to deny that statement. "Totally."

As the couple started walking down the hall, they swung their hands back and forth before Charlotte sighed. "Speaking of me being amazing, I promised Rachel and Kurt I'd help them with their NYADA auditions and it's literal torture."

"I'm so glad you're the helpful one out of the two of us." Sam laughed.

"I'm not the helpful one, I'm just the pushover." She retorted. "You think I know how to impress Carmen Tibideaux?"

"Is that a wizard?" Sam asked confused with wide eyes.

With a very amused laugh, Charlotte shook her head as Sam smiled at how he could make her happy. "She's not a Wizard, but I did think she'd be a crazy cat lady at first, I don't know why."

"Well I'd hate for Rachel to fight you for being late because of me. Otherwise she might fight me too." Sam chuckled poking Charlotte in the side. "So you best get to being your helpful self."

"Alright." She smiled up at him. "I'll see you later."

"I'll see you in Spanish." He said, giving her a quick kiss goodbye and watching her rush off to the auditorium, bumping into a grumpy senior on her way.


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