𝟭𝟬. 𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹

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I really, really like you

"Okay, favorite Michael Jackson memory

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"Okay, favorite Michael Jackson memory. Go." Blaine said as he, Artie, Kurt, Santana, Rachel and Charlotte sat in the Lima Bean together.

Eager to share his love of Michael Jackson, Artie grinned. "When I was one, my mom showed me the VHS tape of his Motown special, and when he did the moonwalk across the stage for the first time in history, I uttered my first words: Hot damn."

Charlotte giggled along to his story before it was Kurt's turn to gush about the pop star. "I owe the King of Pop a deep debt of gratitude. He was the first one to pull off the sequined military jacket, long before one Kurt Hummel made it iconic."

"I have to be honest, I never really got him." Rachel admitted, getting looks from all her friends as if she was completely insane.

"And we are no longer on speaking terms." Artie decided, folding his arms in shock.

Quick to defend her opinion, Rachel tried to justify herself. "No, I think he's an amazing performer, but I've never really just got what he was about."

"Rachel, he was best friends with Liza Minnelli and Liz Taylor." Kurt reminded her.

"No, all I'm saying is that I-I just...I haven't connected with him the way that I have with the likes of Barbra or either of the Stephens."

"I'd throw this mocha in your face, but it's not nearly scalding enough." Santana said, and Charlotte laughed to herself at how serious they all were.

"Okay, but just, since you guys are so jazzed about him, I think it's a good idea." Rachel smiled, probably in hopes she didn't get attacked by Santana.

"Well, that might not be the best idea." At the sound of the voice, everyone turned their heads to see Sebastian approaching their table with a smug look on his face. "Hey, Blaine. Hello, everyone else."

"Does he live here or something?" Kurt muttered sarcastically.

"Seriously, you are always here." Charlotte added as she tilted her head, quite worried she might end up at scandals again.

Not really bothered with the tension between the Warbler and Kurt, Artie had other concerns. "Why don't you think Michael is a good idea?"

"Because we're doing MJ for Regionals." Sebastian stated confidently, and Santana and Charlotte shared an annoyed look. "You see, Warblers drew first position, so as soon as I heard what your plan was, I changed our set list accordingly."

"I'm sorry, how did you hear?" Rachel asked, concluding right then that the Warblers must be cheating.

"Uh, Blaine told me this morning." Sebastian admitted with a shrug, and everyone turned to look at Blaine, shooting him harsh glares.

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