𝟭𝟮. 𝗼𝗻 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗮𝘆

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The best speeches are about Mike Chang

With the news of Karofsky's attempted suicide, kids at McKinley was feeling a lot more fragile than usual

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With the news of Karofsky's attempted suicide, kids at McKinley was feeling a lot more fragile than usual. They all knew that Dave had been working on changing for the better and becoming a better person, so it was deeply saddening to hear that he was being treated so horribly by kids at his new school.

There were also lots of people who had come to the realisation that life is very short. Rachel had decided she wanted to get married sooner, and had admitted that to Finn who was a bit confused. "Now? I have gym."

Having had absolutely no idea what the topic of conversation was, Charlotte smiled as she skipped over to the couple. "What are we talking about, Finn I-have-gym Hudson?"

"Rachel said she wants me to skip gym to get married now." Finn told her casually.

Shaking her head at Charlotte's surprised and confused face with a chuckle. "No, not now. Saturday. After we win Regionals."

"Seriously?" Finn asked, over the moon.

Squeezing her eyes shut and realising she was really intruding something here. "I'll just- I'll just go-"

After Finchel had shared a loving hug and Charlotte had given them their space to celebrate together, Finn asked, "Wait, what if we lose?"

"Well I thought we agreed I'd be singing." Rachel replied with a playful smile before walking away leaving a very happy Finn staring after her.

In pure excitement, Finn looked over to see his sister hadn't got very far from him. Grinning, he ran over to her, full of joy. "I'm getting married on Saturday."

Giggling at him, she let him pull her into a hug. "You're getting married on Saturday! How do you feel?"

"Like I could explode with happiness." He bursted out loudly. "I don't think I'll ever stop smiling."

Pulling away from their hug, she pouted happily at him. "That's sweet. I'm totally gonna do a speech if you like it or not."

"You'll have to ask Rach, though. She might go all bride crazy on me if I agree to something without her." Finn reminded her, trying to avoid any type of argument with his fiancé.

"Yes!" Charlotte cheered before bouncing off as she saw Mike, beaming out of excitement for her brother.


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