~1~ A New Professor

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"Alright Sara and Seamus, hurry up or you'll miss the train!" Mam cried, as she kissed me and my brother Seamus goodbye.

"Love you mam." said Seamus, awkwardly moving away as our mother tried to ruffle up his hair.

"I love you Mam, we'll write to you." I said, hugging her tightly.

"Every week?" Mam rubbed my back as we pulled apart.

"Every week." Shay and I promised together. 

"Good, now both of you be good. You know about Sirius Black so be careful, alright? And try  not to blow things up." she added the last part with an exasperated expression.

"It's not my fault I always blow up my potions." I cried, crossing my arms and huffing a bit. "At least I don't blow things up by just flicking my wand, like a certain  someone." I looked over at Seamus.

"Shut up." he said, pushing me.

"Come on now, no fighting." Mam shook her head, before looking at me fondly. "Sara, your seventh and final year. Get good grades on those N. E. W. T. S and study hard."

I grinned. "Percy will make sure I see to that."

Percy Weasley was one of my best friends. We were two very different people, but we balance each other out.

The train horn blew and mam pushed us towards the train. "Alright, get on now, before you miss it! Hurry hurry!"

Shay and I clambered onto the train quickly before we leaned our heads out of the window as the train started rolling away.

"Bye mam!" I yelled.

"See you!" Seamus waved.

We watched as mam and the rest of the parents disappeared from view. When we left the platform, Seamus turned to me. "Well, I'm going to find Dean."

"Your boyfriend?" I asked grinning. 

Seamus flushed slightly. "Shut up." He turned sharply and walked away from me.

I watched as he walked down the hall. I had a feeling that my little brother had a crush on his best friend, but didn't want to admit it. I walked through the train to look for my other best friend, Oliver Wood. I knew that Percy would be doing his Head Boy duties, which I couldn't wait to tease him about. As I walked through the train, I felt someone put their hands over my eyes and say, "Guess who?"

I grinned, recognizing the voice right away. "Hmmm are you...Professor Sprout?"
I turned around, still grinning, and looked up at Oliver, who pretended to look offended as he put a hand over his heart. "Excuse me, madam!"

"How was your summer?" I asked, opening my arms for a hug.

"It was alright." he hugged me tightly and led me to his compartment. "How was yours?"

I heaved my trunk on the luggage rack. "Absolute wonders. Since I'm finally of age, I kept Apparating in Seamus's room, scaring the daylights out of him."

Oliver laughed. "Did you walk in on him changing?"

I grimaced. "Yes, it was not something I needed to see. But Seamus screamed like a little girl, so that made up for it."

Oliver snorted. "Anyways, now, for Quidditch this year....."

I groaned, flopping down onto the seat. "You can't go five minutes without talking about Quidditch, can you?"

"I want to win the House Cup this year!" Oliver said, crossing his arms across his broad chest.

"Alright, alright." I sighed, laying down on my back and closing my eyes.

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