~31~ Lies

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The next morning, when I walked into the kitchen for breakfast, Fred, George and Ginny looked at with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked, narrowing my eyes as I sat down.

"Is it true." Fred whispered.

"Is what true." I whispered back.

"You and Lupin."

I sighed. "Yes." I muttered.

"Wicked." George said.

"No! Not wicked!"  Mrs. Weasley shook her head, piling eggs onto everyone's plates.

I felt shame whenever I looked Mrs. Weasley in the eye, and she noticed, her eyes softening. "Sara, I'm not upset about that. I'm upset that that grown man hurt you." She said the last part loudly towards Sirius.

He blinked. "What did I do!"

"You couldn't have tried talking  to him?"

"I did!" He turned to me. "I swear to Merlin I tried Sara, but he was too stubborn. Always all "I don't wanna hurt her, I already hurt her when I slashed her."

"He hurt me even more by not responding to me." I stabbed my fork at my plate.

"We know."

All conversation about Remus dropped when he walked into the kitchen, pausing when he saw me.

"Excuse me, I have to go get ready for training." I stood up from my chair, pushing my half eaten breakfast away, and stalking out of the room.

Soon, I was out the door and arrived to training twenty minutes early.

"You're early." Mad-Eye growled.

"I know. I was avoiding a certain someone."

He scoffed. "Lovers quarrel?"

"More like ex's quarrel." I replied.

He eyed me. I felt like his fake eye was trying to read my mind and I looked away.

"You can get your anger out during training." He said, with an evil grin.

And I did. I felt great after training, letting all my rage out. I was firing spells at a fake dummy, and I even ended up punching it.

"Well, you're not going to physically hit You-Know-Who if he comes at you, but good job." Mad-Eye said.

Tonks clapped from the side and I breathed heavily

"Go home." He said. "You did good today."

I smiled. "Thanks."

"See you at dinner!" Tonks called to me.

Walking back into Grimmauld place, it was great luck when I bumped into Remus. Physically bumped into him, as I was heading up the stairs.

"Oh, Sara. Hi. Sorry." He stammered.

My pushed my damp hair out of my sweaty face. "Excuse me. I'd like to go shower please."

He flushed. "Right. Yes. Of course."

We both side stepped to the same side

"Oh uh." I mumbled.

We both side stepped together again.

I grabbed his arm, spinning us around so that I was on the stairs now. "There we go." I turned around and ran up the stairs, cursing under my breath at the way my heart was caught up when I touched his arm. I took a quick shower, before wearing something more comfortable. Soon, it was time for dinner, and I sat myself as far away from Remus as possible.

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