~54~ Battle At The Minsitry

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Just a couple of days later, I came back from training to find no one home. 

"Hello?" I called out. 

No one answered. I tried to rack my brains. I knew Remus was out and about on Order business, but I didn't know where Sirius went

"Sirius?" I walked up the stairs.

"I'm in my room." he called back.

I walked into his room, to see him sitting in his bed, downing a bottle of firewhiskey.

"Oh Sirius." I sighed, sitting next to him on the bed. "What's going on?"

I pried the bottle out of his hands and he sighed. "Everyone's getting hurt. I miss Harry. I don't tell him this enough, but I really miss him. And I feel so lonely. I know everyone always comes by, but it always seems just for work."

"I get it Sirius. I do. But I do want you know realize that everyone loves you." I put my arms around him.

He leaned against me in silence. I sighed, as I squeezed him tightly.

"Thank you." he said suddenly.

"For what?" I asked.

"For being there for me. You know, even though you're younger, you really tend to give off motherly energy to you." he let out a laugh. "The last person to act like a mother to me were James mum, and Remus' mum.'

"Oh. Yeah. A lot of people tell me that." I smiled.

"Well, thank you. You really make me feel loved to be honest. And I need that in my life." 

I couldn't help but tear up. Sirius, just like Remus, was broken on the inside, each for different reasons. Sirius was broken because he never had a proper family, not until he lived with James for a while. But then he was in Azkaban for wrongly accused murder, and now he's not allowed to leave the house, and only had Remus and I for company.

"I'm always here for you Sirius." I said.

"You and Remus are like my parents." he laughed slightly.

"I know." I grinned. "I love you so much my son."

"I love you too mother." 

We spent our time, just hanging out in his room and playing games. We went from chess, to exploding snap, to me teaching him a few Muggle card games my dad taught me as a child.

"I don't understand this." Sirius got annoyed very quickly, so we gave up on that.

 We went downstairs to sit in the living room. 

"Tell me about Remus when he was in school." I said, and then Snape barged into the room. 

"Black! Damn it." He growled.

"What are you doing here?" snapped Sirius.

"Potter thinks the Dark Lord has you at the Ministry, and now him and his idiotic friends are on their way to the Ministry to save you."

Sirius jumped up. "WHAT!"

"I'll round everyone up." I quickly cast a Patronus and spoke into it. "We must all meet at Grimmauld place, and prepare to go to the Ministry of Magic. All will be explained." and I sent it off.

Sirius was pacing back and forth. Only a few minutes later, everyone started trickling into the kitchen. 

Snape quickly repeated his story. 

"Sirius, you will stay here at the house." I said, turning towards him.

"No! I'm going!" he growled. "That's my Godson over there!"

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