~4~ Tea with Lupin

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At the next Quidditch practice, it was a bright and sunny day, which was strange for October. We all rose up into the air and started warming up. Fred, George and I were flying up together, arguing.

"Just try one  of our little inventions." Fred pleaded.

"Yeah, we need a guinea pig." George said bluntly.

"I'm not going to be your guinea pig, you bugger!" I said, throwing the Quaffle to Angelina. 

"Why not?"

"You're going to kill me!" I cried, zooming around the pitch.

"No, we won't!" Fred followed me.

"Hey, why is Professor Lupin here?" George said, pointing towards the stands. 

I looked out into the stands, and sure enough, Professor Lupin was sitting there, holding a cup of tea in his hands. We made eye contact, and he smiled, waving.

I raised a hand and smiled timidly back.

"Hello Professor Lupin!" Fred said gleefully, flying closer to the stands.

"Good morning Mr. Weasley." Lupin replied politely.

"Not to be rude, but why are you here?" asked George.

"I haven't seen Quidditch in a while, so I thought I'd come watch. It's a nice way to start off the weekend, don't you think?"

I went closer to the twins. "Hello professor."

He smiled and greeted me. 


"Well, enjoy yourself professor." I said. "Er, just a heads up we do tend to swear while practicing...."

"As long as it's not in my classroom." he winked.

I flushed and quickly flew back up. We started practicing, Alicia, Angelina and I throwing our Quaffles to each other and trying to score Ollie.

As I flew past Fred, he called out. "Looking nice from behind, Finnigan!"

I whipped around fast and kicked his leg, causing him to slip off his broom slightly. "You little fecker!"

I hadn't realized we were close to the stands again, until I heard Lupin laughing loudly. I turned a bright red as Fred grinned with pride. 


Fred winked at me and I narrowed my eyes. 

"Watch yourself Weasley!" I waved my fist at him.

Soon enough, we finally finished practice. I was all sweaty and panting from how hard we were working. Noticing Lupin was still sitting in the stands, I decided to go talk to him. I steered my broom towards the stands. "Hello Prof- FUCK!"

I had forgotten to break my broom, and I collided into the stands, now sprawled awkwardly in between seats.

"Goodness, are you alright?" Lupin asked, rushing over to help me as basically the entire team roared with laughter from the sidelines. 

"Yes." I said, attempting to pull myself out of the seats. "M'alright, I can get out meself."

"Are you sure?"

I realized quickly that I was completely stuck, wedged in between the seats with no way of freeing myself. "I lied, I'm actually a bit stuck."

"What happened?" he asked, grabbing my arms and hoisting me up.

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