~72~ Sara and Remus' Wedding Day

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SMUT LATERRRRR When I put the ** sign

Tonks and Ollie's wedding was very very small, with literally just all the Weasley's (except Charlie because Ollie and Tonks didn't know him), Hermione, Fleur, Mad-Eye, Kingsley, Remus and I. And that was it. It was nice and small and sweet.

Only three days after their wedding, Remus and I decided to have our wedding too. Ours was also just as small, with the exact same guests, but Seamus, Dean, my mother, Charlie, Neville, and McGonagall were invited too. I was pleased that Charlie came early to come to our wedding. I was however, disappointed when he said his girlfriend had to stay in Romania because she couldn't get days off from work. Because Remus and I wanted it to be extremely small, and soon, and without any risk of the Ministry making a big deal out of it, Harry wasn't invited. Also, we weren't allowed to take Harry out of his house yet, and we didn't want our wedding to be too close to Bill and Fleur's. We wanted to sort of get the ceremony over with to be honest. I made a mental note to literally scream to Harry about how I got married though.

The morning of the wedding, I was going to pass out. We had it in the little garden in our cottage. We enlarged it a bit with magic to make more space for everyone. There was a small tent being set up, with chairs, and a table full of food. Remus and I had decided that the bridesmaids would be Tonks, Fleur, Ginny and Hermione, and the best man would be Ollie, and the groomsmen would be Seamus and Bill.

I was now walking back and forth in front of my room, wringing my hands together. I was wearing my dress, and I had my hair and makeup done. But I was going to hurl. I turned to Tonks, Fleur, Ginny and Hermione, who were watching me apprehensively, Ollie, was also standing, lookin concerned.

"I'm going to die!" I screeched.

"Sara." Tonks said firmly, grabbing my shoulders. "It will be alright."

"Tonks, love, I got this." Ollie said softly, as I continued to wheeze and gasp. "Sara, Sara take a few deep breaths, okay? You are so strong. And so scary. You got this."

"That was the worst pep talk you've ever given me." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Right well, I think I've used all my pep talks in quidditch okay?" he laughed. "Now, are you ready?"


Ollie kissed my forehead. "You got this love."

"I do."

Ollie checked his watch. "Okay, I have to go."


I shook out my limbs as Ollie left the room.

Mam poked her head in the room and gasped, her eyes tearing up. "Oh Sara, you look beautiful."

"You think so?" I smiled softly.

She hugged me. "Now come on, let's go down love"

Everyone went inside the tent while I waited outside, breathing through my cheeks. It was a little funny looking probably, but Bill  was going to walk down the aisle with me.

"Ready?" He asked, looping his arm through mine.

I nodded. "Ready."

"Good luck sis." He led me down the aisle and I smiled at Remus, tears already forming in my eyes.

Remus wiped his eyes when he saw me. I stood in front of him, and I completely zoned out when the person officiating our wedding started speaking. I stared into Remus' eyes.

"Miss Finnigan!" The officiant cried.

"What? Sorry I got lost in Remus' eyes I zoned out." I admitted as everyone around laughed a bit. "Sorry go ahead."

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