In it for life

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(2 months later Denki's POV)
I got another message from Shinsou today and he sent a location. So obviously I went there because ya know, I'm smart. When I got there I was met by my purple haired insomniac boyfriend. Well, I hadn't seen him in a while now so I run up to him without even checking that it's actually him but luck seems to be in my favor today because it was most definitely him, don't ask how but I knew it was him when he hugged back. I've missed him so bad, this all seems like a horror movie that just got a commercial break of a craft macaroni add, but it was only a short add break because moments later Hitoshi was dragged away from me and handcuffed by a police officer. "What are you doing?!? He's innocent!" I yell in terror. "I regret to inform you that this is a wanted criminal and now that we know you are in contact with him we're going to have to take you with us." He said as I felt someone come up behind me and handcuff me as well. We were shoved into the cop car and drove to the nearest police station. When we got out Shinsou tried to get up on his own but was immediately held at gun point. Weird enough, he hasn't resisted the whole time. It's like he wants to be taken in. We're escorted into the building and after about five minutes of walking the officers escorted Toshi into a jail cell and then lowered their weapons. He tried to plea innocence but they were not allowed to respond to him as they were informed of his quirk. I was then lead over to an interrogation room. They sat me down and started asking me questions like "what's your name" and other basic ones. I have nothing to hide so I told the truth to everything.
"What's your name?"- "Denki Kaminari"
"Who is that man to you?"- "My boyfriend"
"Why were you there?" - "he sent his location"
They gave me a chance to plea innocence for him and I showed them the messages and told them that Toga had become him and all that. They didn't let me go yet though because I was still a potential threat. But they seemed to like me so they put me in the cell with Shinsou. When they put me in there, once again, I ran to go hug him. I was slightly skeptical however so i asked him to tell me something that only he would know. "I used to call you sparky, we have a cat named Callie, I went on a rant of 50 different names we could give her, you don't know why people are so fond of charizard, you were depressed, deku screamed like a girl when he saw us together, need I continue?" He said. I just rolled my eyes and kissed him on the cheek. "So how long do you think we'll be in here?" I questioned. "Well, if they think you have something to do with it we probably share a sentence. Probably for life, they think I made all those people jump off the bridge." He said. "Well, that just means we'll spend the rest of our lives together. That wouldn't be that bad, would it?" I replied trying to light the mood. He just gave a weak smile and leaned over onto my shoulder.

lightning cloud (shinsou x Denki)Where stories live. Discover now