Blair's Return

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I have no mercy for Chuck's ex girlfriends, thank you very much.

There is a point in this story where Blair gets ready for *cough* something *cough* and I wanted to inform y'all that her hair is the same with how it was styled in the snowflake ball. You know, the scene where her and Chuck were like, "And what do we have, Chuck? You tell me." Hehe I'm squealing. Enjoy!


After a long day of business proposals and board meetings, Chuck Bass and Raina Thorpe end up on the couch of his room at the Hotel Empire.

Paperwork was everywhere, scattered on the floor, in the couch, in the coffee table. He groaned as the headache worsened.

He didn't drink, but damn it he was stressed and drained. He spotted Raina in an uncomfortable position across him. He lets out a sigh at the mess in his home, and decided to wake the raven up so she could have a better sleep in her home.

"I'll send the rest of the unfinished work by email later. It was nice working with you, Chuck. As always. I'll see you at your office in a few hours." She smirked, and flirted, something she has been doing ever since Thorpe Enterprises made a deal with Bass Industries.

"Goodbye, Miss Thorpe." He says, using the last name basis to show her he had no interest in her. He was not sorry to say he was taken by a certain brunette.

And speaking of the brunette, today was her grand return. It had been three months ever since her departure to Paris. She and Chuck had decided to be together again the night of the Saints and Sinner's ball, but she had asked for three more months for herself. They talked everyday via Skype and when the other was busy and had no time, they would leave text messages for each other.

He was contented with their situation, though it had always been hard to be away from Blair. He was thankful enough that she was opening up to him again.

The day of the Saints and Sinner's ball was, no doubt, one of the best days in his life. She had to be Blair Waldorf first before she could be his girlfriend. He understood that. Whatever made her happy, he would comply. However it was achieved.

Chuck thought she was cutting all kinds of contact with him for the whole three months that she's away, but when he received the text messages, updates about her flight and when she had arrived safely at her father's chateau, he was proven wrong.

And then she called the next day, ranting to him about how this lady from the bakery was very rude to her for her bad french when really, Blair had given her less than the correct amount for the croissants she bought.

Blair was the best in french, and she figured the woman knew that she was American and that she was making it as an excuse just so she can say, "Do you not know any french, woman? Or maybe you must have misheard me when I said it was *amount* in total."

The whole day was ruined because of the old hag, and she couldn't help but call Chuck because he never failed to put a smile on her face- bad day or not.

He looked out the window, and checked the weather to see if it was rainy or sunny. He needed an appropriate outfit that would make him the most comfortable for this special day.

A tux that Blair had bought for him caught his eye, and he immediately picked it to wear. She had impeccable taste in fashion, and he had a feeling they were going to match today. He never planned the times when he and Blair matched outfits. They were merely coincidental.

He was never the coffee guy, but with the throbbing pain in his head, he found himself asking room service for a cappuccino. He took a sip, and another, and another until there was no drop left. Caffeine was great, after all.

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