Our Hideout

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Six year old Blair Waldorf walks carefully as she tries to find a spot to sit on. There were a bunch of rocks in her feet, making it a lot harder to walk through the rough pathway.

Her green, floral dress hugged her petite body as the little brunette scanned the surroundings with her eyes for a place to be alone.

She eventually found one under a big rock that protected her from exposure to the sun. It was a perfect spot. At six year old, she already knew how tanned she wanted to be.

Blair settled herself on a flat rock, facing a pretty view in front of her. The sea calmed her somehow, and made her feel refreshed. It had been one of her comfort places. Alone, but not really alone. The sea was her friend. And she had learned to tell her friend most of the thoughts that came onto her mind.

"I'm back again, Ocean. My mother rejected me again today. I wanted to go swimming with her in the pool but she chose to answer her phone and work instead. My mother is so boring. I wish she wasn't such a workaholic." Blair sighed, leaning her elbows on her knees and placing her chin on her palms.

"It's just so annoying, you know? All I want is for her to have fun with me but she just never does! I'm starting to think I'm adopted." Blair pouted and just started to throw stones onto her so called friend.

"Same." She stood up from the flat rock she was seated on when she heard a voice.

"Ocean? You speak?!" Blair yelled, and looked at the sea in horror.

"Stupid. The ocean doesn't speak! I'm here!" She slowly turned around, until she saw the figure of a boy. A boy.

"Hey." She tilted her head and furrowed her eyebrows. Blair had never seen him before, but he looked quite interesting. He wore a tux. Who the heck would wear a tux in a beach resort? Apparently the boy in front of her does.

"Hi." He said, and walked towards her until they stood side by side. "I'm Chuck. Bass." He introduced, not meeting her stare.

"My name's Blair. Nice to meet you, Chuck. Don't tell me you heard me talking to my friend, though!" At six years old, Blair Waldorf saw a smirk. A real smirk from a real boy, Chuck Bass.

"I did. Every single word." He raised his chin up, and looked at her arrogantly.

"You should have told me you were here! Now, you know how I feel about my mom." Blair looked down at her tiny feet and dropped her shoulders.

Chuck refused to look at her but the way she said that last sentence made him. He could feel her pain. Her desperate call of attention to her mother. He was the same, too. Chuck patted her back, something he hasn't done to anyone or anything.

"If it makes you feel any better, my father's boring too. You're not the only one with the bad parent. Actually, I'm pretty sure there are a lot of us." He says, and attempts to give her a smile but his lips had been so used to being in a straight line they couldn't even move anymore.

"Doesn't mean we're proud to be part of it, right? I wish my mother would spend time with me more. Or anyone. No one likes me." The brunette in front of him looked so broken he truly did not know what to say.

Obviously, she needed a friend. The ocean wasn't much of a helper. He was curious to know why she looked so lonely, though. She was like. . . the prettiest girl he'd ever seen. If only he wasn't so cold blooded, he might even consider being her friend.

But she was here, looking so sad and upset. The ocean was here, its waves crashing onto the shore, and he was here too, looking for an escape. Away from his life, his father, and everyone else who despises him. Being bestfriends with a brunette who happened to have a very similar situation with him and to an ocean who was just listening wouldn't hurt, right?

"I'll be your friend." He says after a long silence. Blair raises her head up to look at him, wearing that smug look on his face.

"Were you always this grumpy? Try smiling. I'm sure you're handsome." Blair couldn't help but admit. He really did look better with a smile. Because when she was finally able to convince him to raise the corners of his lips, he was beautiful.

"I'll be your friend too. Friends forever, Bass." Raising her pinky, Blair smiles. He looks at her for a moment before hooking his pinky with hers, promising that they would be friends forever. Still, he thought pinky promises were ridiculous.


Eighteen year old Blair Waldorf take heavy steps as she finds the path to her favorite spot again. She wore a frustrated expression on her face, so angry, so upset. And she was also wet. Her clothes, her body, her hair. Everything.

"Stupid. Jerk. Asshole. Dickface." She says as she stomps her feet on the rocky ground.

Her favorite flat rock is still there, and she always seems to smile at the sight of it. It gives her major flashbacks to when she was a kid. A dramatic one, at that who always went here in this exact place to rant to her friend.

Of course, they were a trio. But that person who was supposed to complete the trio was too much of a buzzkill to join them here. And there was one rule- no buzzkills allowed.

"Ocean! Chuck is a jerk! He always is! We never should have let him in our group. We were supposed to be a pair only. Do you agree? I'm sure you do. You always agree." She started ranting. Already eighteen and yet, still the most childish teenager there is.

"He literally pushed me in the pool because a guy was talking to me. Talking! Not flirting. He's way too jealous for nonsensical reasons and I do think it's cute that he's like that but that guy he just crossed was the dean's son! Yale's dean! The audacity for him to smirk after what he did is simply unforgivable and honestly? I'm starting to question how I was able to handle twelve years of that damn Basstard beside me." She let out a groan, a loud one she didn't even hear Chuck's chuckle behind her.

"Same." Blair jumped in surprise and held her heart as if she was about to have a heart attack.

Chuck stepped out from the dark and smiled at her sheepishly when she saw him whole.

"Bass." She rolled her eyes. "There are not enough curse words in the world to satisfy me right now for your actions a while ago. The only solution-"

"Stop right there, Waldorf. I am sorry for pushing you to the pool." He slid her arms around her waist and interlocked his fingers together, locking her in his grip.

"And?" She asks, expecting more than his one-line apology as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"That's it. I'm not going to say sorry for interrupting your flirty moment with that Yale guy. I swear I could see drool come out of his damn mouth. I can't believe you wore a bikini in front of him. And it was my favorite one, too." Chuck pouted at her, making her giggle.

"Chuck, you're so-"

"Don't say it, Blair. Chuck Bass is not cute." He interrupted her once again. She shakes her head at him and laughs as she rests her head in his chest.

"Fine. I won't. But I do think you are, especially when you're jealous." She smirks at his chest, where she could hear his heart beating. The sound made her sleepy. All she needed to hear was her boyfriend's heartbeat and everything would be okay.

"Let's just go back to the hotel. What do you say we go skinny dipping tonight." He pulls away and touches her chin.

"Sounds great." Blair kisses the tip of his nose and holds his hand as this time, they walk together through the rough path from their secret hideout to the beach resort they go to every summer.

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