The Soft Little Gestures

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The picture above shows their outfit. I imagine this fic in that timeframe. Also, yes, Blair frowns in this oneshot so that's her face when she frowns :P
It was never a doubt that Chuck Bass was not the soft type. He was the opposite. Boring didn't suit him. Calm never defined him and sappy was never his type.

But there was one exception to his infamous rule. One woman that made him do all the things his 16 year old self would never.

"Blair, come on! She threw herself at me, you didn't even see the way I pushed her away!" He chased. He ran after her and he yelled his explanation.

The brunette wasn't buying it though. Her eyebrows connected and a frown was very evident in her face. Basshole.

Chuck managed to catch up to her, holding her arm as her scent invaded his nose. "Baby, please."

Chuck Bass calling Blair Waldorf 'baby'? That was a first.

She felt her heart soften at the nickname though. It was very cute, how she was the only one who knew how much of a romantic this guy in front of her was.

"I saw you smirk at that. . . sweaty horse." She protested, making Chuck smile at the way she called the blonde woman who flirted with him a while ago.

"I did not smirk, Blair. I scoffed at her." He continued to defend his actions. The blonde meant nothing to him. He found himself not being able to get hard around other women.

Except Blair.

"You have no idea how sexy you look when you're mad." Now, he smirked. The kind of smirk only he would show her.

"I know what you're doing, Bass. My feet hurt. You just made me run 5 blocks." She pouted, and he couldn't help but kiss her.

"Pout one more time and I won't be able to resist." He said, even though he already did kiss her in the middle of the sidewalks. He was sure he heard a flash of a camera somewhere.

"Just call Arthur. I can't walk in these heels anymore." They both look down at her feet seeing it so red.

Cute. He thought. She looked like a little child who's lollipop got taken away.

All of a sudden he drops to the ground, making her gasp a little. Clearly he wasn't aware of the eyes that were fixated on them.

"Get up, Chuck! People are staring." She nudged him with her knee. What the hell was he up to now?

"Just get on my back, Blair." He said, getting tired in his position. Blair couldn't help but giggle at his. . . gesture.

"Are you serious? You're willing to give me a piggyback ride?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck, almost making him stumble. Thankfully he got back on his feet and took Blair's heels off. He made sure he had a stable grip on her legs before he started walking.

The Empire was near, anyway.

"Aren't you embarrassed?" She looked down at him, enjoying herself from his back. She giggled at the thought.

"Why would I when I'm carrying the most beautiful woman behind me." Blair's cheeks went red, making her hide her face in the back of his neck.

When did he get this romantic?

"Chuck." She called. Just realizing what he was doing and how sweet it was of him to drop his rule of "no PDA".

"Yes, my love?" He tilted his head to get a look of her from his peripheral view. Her brown, soft curls being softly blown by the wind.

"My mother's gonna kill me for ripping her dress." She says, giving a light giggle. He shakes his head at his silly girlfriend, falling back a little as if they were gonna fall on their butts, making her squeal. He earned a little hit from her elbow.

"You have been getting on my nerves today." Blair rested her chin on top of his shoulder, watching the Empire getting nearer and nearer in every step Chuck took.

"Well. . . " An idea pops onto his head and she prepares herself for probably a lewd comment from his mouth.

"Surely there must be some way to make it up to you? Perhaps. . . spending the day in at the Empire the whole day?"

There it is. Blair rolls her eyes, stopping herself from hitting him again.

"Keep hoping, Bass. You need to go back to Bass Industries today." Suddenly she gets a little sad at the fact that work has been taking a lot of his time, giving her less of Chuck's presence.

He stops when they arrive. The security guard gives them weird looks, making Blair's cheek flush in embarrassment.

"I actually have something for you." He says, Blair smiling sincerely. Chuck was always full of surprises. And she'd always cherish each one of them.

"Is that so? You better make sure it'll be enough to make it up to me." Blair jokes. Even in the elevator, she's still on his back. It was starting to get really weird.

Blair's feet felt much better but Chuck would not put her down.

"What the hell, Chuck. My feet are fine!" She protested. Thankfully they were the only ones in the spacious elevator.

"We're almost there, anyway."

Blair couldn't do anything else but rest her head again. As soon as the doors opened she was thrown into Chuck's king sized bed, giggling as she rolled to her side.

Chuck put her heels back into the walk-in closet, following her immediately in the bed as he stepped outside.

"Where's the surprise?" He smirked at her impatience. Blair, his little daredevil. Oh, how much he loved every part of her. He glides his finger into her arm up to her shoulder, stopping to squeeze lightly.

He pushes the hair covering her neck to the back, making it bare.

"Beautiful." Chuck whispered, leaning in closer for a kiss. They were close. So so close, Blair just had to ruin the moment.

Putting her finger on his lips, she transfers her gaze to his eyes that had the same color of her hair.

"The surprise?" Blair reminds him, refusing to give him pleasure before he gives her what he owes her.

"Who was I kidding. I shouldn't have mentioned that sooner." Chuck gets up and takes something from his dresser.

Blair bit her lip, excitement flooding throughout her body.

"I know I've been distant because of work and I've missed you badly." He went back to bed, pulling her closer with his left hand. His right was holding the surprise he hid in his back.

"I can almost hear the suspense music. But I've really missed you too." She says and rolls her eyes, making him chuckle.

"I know. Which is why I thought we could take a trip together." He reveals the plane tickets in his hand.

"Chuck. . . " Blair smiles in disbelief. But then furrows her eyebrows when she realized the fake tickets.

Before she could confront him about it, Chuck shushes her.

"I'm not allowing us to fly commercial. I have the Bass Jet fueled up already. That's just for show." He smiles sheepishly.

Blair grins and brings her lips to his, putting the tickets aside and holding the nape of his neck instead to pull him closer.

She pulls apart after a while to say. . .

"Thank you, Chuck. I love you." His heart softens and so does his expression. Blair slides her finger down his cheek, like always after they share a kiss. Her smile made him want to yell to the world that she was hers. And for a moment he thought he really was going to, until Blair kissed him again, more passion this time.

Blair Waldorf, what have you done?

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