Author's Note - 2021

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HELLO EVERYONE!! Whoever happens to see this, if anyone is still using wattpad and/or is online and/or checks this fic lol. It has been foreeever since I opened wattpad and tried updating this fic. I don't know how or why this fic is still getting reads/comments because it's been a long while and it's... well.. not the best fic ever lol. I'm seriously touched some new readers in recent years still enjoy it. TuT

I don't know if I'll update it soon, but I will sometime. Thank you all for waiting patiently <(_ _)>

I honestly dont know what to say. I actually have some chapters in the drafts but i dont know if they're worth posting because they're pretty short and feel more like in-between filler-like chapters LOL

If I do update, I might upload it here but, chances are I might move this to AO3. I'm still learning how to use it but if you didn't know, there was a wattpad breach to wattpad accounts that were made in 2016 and prior (I think). My account was made in 2016, and although I hadn't logged in to wattpad for some time, it still made me feel uncomfortable to log in. But now that it's been a while, I decided to log in to see if there was anything on this fic (which I already knew there was, because although I don't log in, I look up my profile/fic to check stuff out LOL).

Ahh, the memories.. I made this fic during my last year of middle school, and now I'm nearing the end of my senior year in highschool LOL. Crazy, isn't it? I said I'd go on a "semi-hiatus" but i went on a full-blown hiatus. I'm sorry for lying like that ;;;

I hope you all can forgive me. If you're an old reader of this, I hope you're swell. And if you're a more recent reader from 2019-2021, hello and thank you for giving this ol' fic a read despite it saying incomplete :")

I'm always in awe at the fact people supported this fic, and I'm even more surprised some people still give it a read and say they like it!! Seriously, I can't put into words how much this fic means to me, because I remember so many things from this fic. The way I'd write down all the chapters in a notebook and map out what happens next; how I'd rewatch YOI to plan next chapters to integrate the reader into canon (and semi-canon + noncanon) scenes; how I'd love to see, read, and reply to comments (some led to RPs xD); seeing the different milestones I'd reach in this fic (ranks and likes+comments); and just feeling excited to write more for this fic.

You all made me want to complete/add more chapters to this initial one-shot fic, and I'm glad you did! Your support meant everything, so I want to say thank you. I can never say thank you enough.

Uee, mushy stuff aside, if I decide to move this to AO3, I'll let y'all know in a future update. :)

So, ciao for now my potatoz, vegetable fluids, carrots, potato lionesses, and dinosaurs. Until next time!! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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