Y -Answer- N

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Before going into the living room, I take a deep breath, trying to calm my heart beat and mind. Exhaling slowly, I step into the room to face my parents. I look to see them standing side by side, as I stand nervously. Looking to Mom, she doesn't seem to have much of an expression. As for Dad, he looks directly at me. I gulp, trying to swallow the lump that was forming in my throat.

'Calm down (y/n)... It'll be over soon... And who knows? Maybe they said yes..??' I think uneasily. Dad breaks the silence with a simple "Well?"

"Uhm... Well..?" I mumble.

"I heard you got an invitation to see the Grand Prix Final in Barcelona," he states calmly. I nod.

"Yes, Yuri invited me. Yuri Plisetsky..." I say quietly, but loud enough so he could hear me.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

My eyes widened at the words. What??? Isn't this supposed to be a serious conversation???

"No! He's not!" I say quickly. My eyebrows furrow in confusion and embarrassment. I see a small smile form on his lips as he glanced at Mom, giving her a very brief wink. Ah seriously..? He looks back at me with a stern expression.

"Really? Cause if he is you better tell us."

"He's not, Dad," I say just as stern. A moment of silence falls before Dad speaks up again.

"Do you really want to go to Barcelona?" he says in a softer tone.

"Yes. I do want to go."

We stare at each other for a brief moment.

"... Too bad, you're not going."

I was awe struck. What?! WHAT?! NOOOO!!! My hopes of going to Barcelona to see the GPF, possibly getting closer to Piroki, hanging out with Yuuri and the other skaters, and meeting Viktor, all flew out the window.

'Stay calm, play it cool... Breatheee," I think as I calm myself.

"Oh.. Ok.." I say as a I look down in disappointment. 'I knew it... Too protective... Why'd I think he'd let me go...' I think sadly. But just as that thought ends, another speaks up, 'Dont loose hope! Maybe he's playing and he actually says yes..!?' I think with the little amount of hope left in me.

"What's his number? And his Grandpa's? Any other adults that are going?" I hear Dad ask.

"Yuri's number is in my phone, I can give it to Mom. I don't know about his Grandpa's. Yuri's coach Yakov, and Lilia are going. As for the other skaters who are adults. Uhm... I think that's it..."

"What about girls?"

"The ice skaters Sara and Mila will be there. Lilia is a girl too."

"Hm.. Ok... Do you really want to go?"


"Like really really want to go?"

"Yes Dad."

"Really want to go??" He asks again. Agh how many times must I say??

"Yes Dad. I REALLY wanna go! This will most likely be my only chance ever to get not only a free ticket to see the Grand Prix Final, but also flight to another country, where it'll be held! Please let me go!" I plea with hope in my voice. He looks at me and lets out a rather exaggerated sigh.

"Ah alright. You can go," he says it as though he lost an argument, but I could sense the hint of playfulness in his tone. My eyes widened but I resisted the urge to be surprised.

"Really?" I say in a way that seemed as though I didnt want to go.

"Oh you dont want to go? Ok the-"

"No I'm just kidding!! Yes I want to go!! THANK YOU!!" I exclaim as I hug them both.

"You're welcome. It wasn't an easy decision. Don't make me regret it!" I hear Dad say sternly. I nod as a I step back away from them.

"You won't! I promise!" I say gleefully. I begin to walk away when Dad spoke up yet again.

"And I wasn't kidding when I asked about phone numbers. Make sure to give them to your Mom."

"I will!" I grin and walk back into my room, closing the door and plopping onto my bed.


"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!! I'll meet Viktor and hang out with them and- and- and- WAHHH I MUST TELL YU- I MEAN PIROKI~!" I say excitedly. I grab my phone and begin to type, my fingers swiftly moving across the keyboard.

'I can't believe it~!! I'll pack up ASAP!'


Wow two updates in a row~! ovo

Its because I love my my Potatoz~ Aka you guys who are reading this! ^^

Without you guys, this fic wouldn't have reads nor votes. I really really appreciate it! And... I know that not all of you have your lives all peachy clean, like perhaps with your parents. But remember you're appreciated and loved by others. Maybe this chapter made you feel uncomfortable but, please bear with it. And I'm sorry if I have made you feel uncomfortable ><

But again, tysm for the support! ^^❤

Tomorrow, priso- I mean school- starts. So I'll be on a semi-hiatus ^^;

I have my reasons, but until then, please anticipate for the upcoming chapters! I'll work hard on them to make them enjoyable to read! ><

Ciao for now my potatoz, vegetable fluids, carrots, potato lionesses and dinosaurs. ❤

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