Call, and What?

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Yurio's POV

I walked out of the cafe and put on my hoodie.

'She's nice... at least she wasn't a fangirl...' I thought to myself. My phone rang again. I pull it out and see it's an unknown number. 'Eh? Maybe it's (Y/n)...?' I question, and answer the call.


"Hello, is this Yuri Plisetsky...?" I hear her voice on the other end.

"Uh- yeah..."

"Oh thank goodness. It works!" I hear (Y/n) laugh a bit. "I just wanted to make sure it's the right number."


"So um, yeah.... oh, who called you?"

"Yakov, he wants me back at the rink."

"Oh okay, well good luck!"


"No problem."

I then see the rink in sight.

"Well I'm almost there."

"Ah okay! Cya then Yuri!"

"Ok, bye."

"Bai-bai! Do your best! You got this!" (Y/n) encourages.

"Okay okay," I let out a small laugh, "Cya later."

"Okah! Ciao!" I hear her hang up. I look at my phone and smile a bit, walking through the doors. I quickly add her into my contacts and go into the locker room.

(Y/n)'s POV (Reader-chan!)

I hang up and grin, a slight blush on my face.

'I just talked to Yuri... again! Wow~!' I inwardly fangirl. My phone rings and see it's Mom calling. "Y'ello!?"

"(Y/n), are you done at the bookstore? Did you get your drawing book thingy?"

"Oh, yes! I'm at the cafe across from it."

"Okay, want me to pick you up?"

"Yes, it's too cold to go walking home anyways..."

"Alright, just sit tight."


Mom hangs up and I wait, drawing.

~Time Skip~

I get into the car, hopping into the passenger seat.

"Brrrr, it's freezin'," I say, rubbing my hands together. Mom starts to drive. We stop at a red light.

"I met someone..." I say. Mom looked at me, a slight glare visible.

"Who? I told you to be careful and not to-"

"I know Mom, it's just that all the tables were taken, and there was this guy-"

"A guy???"

"Yes- well- I mean-"

"A GUY?!"

"He's around my age."

".... But a guy."

I sigh. Mom can be very protective about these sorta things.

"But not just any guy, Yuri Plisetsky!"

"..... Who the waht now...?" Mom says confused, I sigh again.

"Yuri Plisetsky, ya know, the Russian skater?"

"They guy with silver hair?" The light turns green and we drive again.

"No that's Viktor. He's a coach now, to Yuuri Katsuki. Besides his hair is platinum not silver..." I mumble the end, "Anyways, I'm talking about Yuri Plisetsky, the "Russian Fairy", "Russian Punk", ya know? Long-ish blond hair, green-ish eyes... hazel I think, about my height, ice skater, coach is Yakov, worked with Viktor?"

"Mmm... rings a bell."

"Okay, well I met him! THE Yuri Plisetsky!" I say excited.

"Okay...? He gonna be your boyfriend~?" Mom smirked.

"Wha- NO!!! I just met him! In person!" I say flustered. Sometimes I wish Mom wasn't like that... same with Dad though, they both tease me every time I mention a guy or something. It's for fun, but still...

"Okay okay calm down," Mom laughed. I huff and cross my arms, looking out the window.


Hnnnggghhhhh that's all I got... for now~ ;p

I'll post the other chapter very soon.... I'm so glad it's winter break... so so glad.... =7=

Anyways, here y'all go~

And ep 11 was... I am proud of Yurio, smol cinnamon roll... >v<

Also, JJ does have a pretty big ego, but at the end of the ep, it hit the feelz... :'p
I'm slightly unsatisfied with ep 11, but am satisfied at teh same time...

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