Accept it.

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After school when I was walking to the station, I felt very anxious. I was so scared those guys were going to pop up in front of me, when suddenly it happened. The group of guys were standing in front of me, now with even more people. I wanted to run but they tackled me, they started kicking me in my stomache. And they punched me in my face, I felt hopeless and tried to scream for help. But I couldn't say anything, when I looked up I saw Caspar standing behind the guys. I know what he was going to do, I shake my head and breathed out a hushed 'no.' But I was already too late. "Hey douchebags! Leave Joe alone!" Caspar yelled. They stopped kicking and punching me and glared at Caspar, I saw Caspar putting his phone away. And a guy I never saw before came running towards Caspar, my bullies looked at the guy in shock. "Jim... guys let's go." I had no clue what was going on. "Joe this is Jim, his father owns this school." Caspar said while helping me up, I could barely stand. "We need to get him to the hospital!" Jim said, he called 999 and the ambulance got here quick. I could feel myself falling asleep, and then I fainted. They layed me down on a hospital bed and they put me in the ambulance, I could feel the oxygen mask on my face and the painkiller shots.
Caspar pov: I got in the ambulance and Jim followed my lead, I sat down next to Joe's bed and I was so worried. We arrived at the hospital and they quickly drove him in I was walking as fast as I could to keep up with the doctors, then before we could enter his room a nurse stopped me and Jim who was out of breath. "Are you relatives of mister Sugg?" The lady asked with a friendly voice, she had black hair and brown eyes. By her accent and her name -Sophia- I could tell she wasn't born here. 'We're his best friends miss, his parents are at work.' I said to the nurse who wasn't paying that much attention. She pointed to the waiting room and mumbled "yeah yeah, you can wait there." Me and Jim both looked a bit annoyed but we went to the waiting room, we sat there for 15 minutes till the same nurse came back and said we could go see him. We walked over to his room where there was a different nurse who looked way more happy, she smiled and walked over to us. "Hi, my name is Holly. Mister Sugg has a broken rib and some bruises, but he'll recover quickly. He looks very strong. If you have more questions or if you need something you can call me by pressing the red button. Can I just have your names please?" 'Caspar' "Jim" we said to the friendly nurse. She wrote our names down on a little note book. "Okay Jim, Caspar, take care!" And she left the room. I took a chair and sat down next to Joe's bed, his eyes slowly opened and looked weakly at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back, he also smiled at Jim. We were all happy that it was nothing worse, but Joe probably wasn't. Then Joe looked at me and tears started to well up in his eyes. 'Joe what's wrong?'He was already writing it on a sticky note. I told you, I'll just drag you down with me. Now you got it trouble because I'm such a loser. -J I read the note and grabbed Joe's hand. 'Joe, you're not a loser. And I know we just met but you already mean a lot to me.' Why? He wrote. 'Because you're an interesting person, and even though you didn't like socializing. You still kept writing me.' He looked at me and smiled weakly. Then he got a new sticky note, wrote something on it and gave it to Jim. Thank you Jim, for helping me. You probably think I'm a loser, don't worry everyone does.

Jim looked a little worried at him "Joe, I don't think your a loser. You were the first guy to ever stand up against those guys, me and Caspar will always be there for you." Joe looked happier when Jim said that. Joe pov: I think I found two good friends here, but I'm still going to be careful. I'll maybe say some few words to Caspar. Then my mom came in the room and rushed over to me, she looked at me and cried a little. I gently hug her and wipe her tears away. "Oh Joe honey, what happened?" I looked over at Caspar. "Hi miss Sugg, my name is Caspar Lee." He said while shaking my mom's hand. "I'm a friend of Joe, he got beaten up by a group of guys who bullied him before." My mom nodded and sat down on my bed. "I asked the doctor how long you have to stay in the hospital, you have to stay 2 weeks." I sighed and nodded. "Miss Sugg? Hi I'm Jim, I'm also a friend of Joe and Caspar. Well I just met Joe actually, me and Caspar helped him." My mom shook Jim's hand and smiled. "Thank you both, it's great Joe has such good friends." Caspar and Jim nodded. I fell asleep already. My mom and Jim left the room after a while, but Caspar stayed. Caspar pov: I decided to stay with Joe and not go to school for 2 weeks, I didn't want to leave him alone. They got me an extra bed. I saw Joe was getting sleepy. 'Joe, you can go to sleep if you want.' I said smiling at him. "Y-yeah." I jumped a little. 'Joe? Did you just talk?!' He blushed and looked at his hands. "I started t-to trust you more. So you're the first non-relative I talk to in 3 years." I was smiling so wide, I started crying out of happiness and hugged him. This was the best moment of my life.

Hey guys! fluffy fluff x3 Hope you like this part! Lots of love -Ellen <3

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