We're going to be okay

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As I woke up from being knocked out, I was still laying outside. I shakily stood up and stumbled over to where Joe was, I saw him laying there all beat up. He doesn't deserve this. I sat down next to him and held him in my arms. 'Joe? Joe, can you hear me?' He opened his eyed and weirdly smiled at me, I looked down next to Joe and saw a little box. They drugged him. I called 999 and they came to pick him up, I stayed at school. I needed to tell the teacher, this was going on for long enough. After I told the teacher she told the principal, hopefully they get suspended. After a long boring day of school I went home. ~oh fuck my parents are home~ I heard them yelling, as I opened the door an empty beer bottle flew right at me but luckily I caught it. 'I'm moving out, I'm going to find my own apartment.' I said as I ran upstairs. My mom looked at me with a sad look and my dad got even angrier. I packed my stuff and walked out without saying another word. I went to the local hospital to visit Joe, I probably looked terrible but I really didn't care. 'Joe Sugg?' I asked the lady at the front desk. "Room 204" I nodded and went to his room. I gently knocked on his door and got in his room. 'Hey Joe, how are you feeling?' "Great, I love all the colors here." He was still a little under influence. Because the room was all white, I giggled and smiled at him. 'Are you sleepy? Because I can go if you want to sleep.' "No, no!" He grabbed my arm "I love you Cassie." He pulled me towards him and hugged me, it was a really uncomfortable hug. He stroked my hair and giggled. "He he, haaaiiirrryyy baby." (A/N Big Hero 6 reference ;)) I pulled away from the hug and laughed awkwardly. I sat down on a chair next to Joe's bed, there was a long silence till Joe turned to me and giggled. "Casparrrr!" Joe said while giggling constantly, it was so weird to see him like that. 'Yes Joe?' "I'm in love with you." He said while giggling. ~wait WHAT?!? No no, it's the drug. He doesn't know what he's saying~ I blushed and laughed nervously. 'J-Joe you don't know what you-' but he was already asleep. I didn't know what to think, he'll probably forget it. After a few hours a doctor came in to tell me that Joe could go home now, I was so happy he didn't need to stay longer. The drug has worn out and he woke up slowly. 'Hey.' I said while smiling. "Oh hey Caspar." After getting ready we left the hospital and went to Joe's house, his mom didn't come because she couldn't leave her work. I told her it was no problem since I was here and it wasn't that bad, we got there and Joe's mom hugged Joe so tight I'm surprised he didn't choke. We sat down on the sofa and Joe's mom made us some tea. 'So Joe, do you remember anything you said while you were high?' He chuckled and shook his head. "Not a thing, did I say something weird?" 'N-no not at all.' I said nervously. His mom gave us our tea and smiled at us, she sat down in between us and asked me some things. "Why did you bring so much stuff with you?" 'I moved out, I couldn't stand my parents anymore so I'm looking for an apartment.' "Oh well, if you need to stay somewhere before you can pay for it you can always stay with us." 'Oh that's okay, I already found one. I planned way ahead.' She nodded and left.
Joe pov: I hope Caspar will be alright on his own, maybe we could share an apartment. 'Caspar?' "Yeah Joe?" 'Maybe we could share an apartment, that way you don't have to pay the rent on your own.' He tought about it for a while. "Yeah sure, we need to ask your mom though." 'Mom!?' I yelled. "Yeah, Joe?" 'Can I share an apartment with Caspar?' She smiled and said "Well sure if it's okay for Caspar." "It's no problem miss Sugg!" Caspar replied happily. 'Yay! Let's go and pack my bags!'
A/N hope you guys like this part :3 I would love it if you guys commented, you don't have to but it would be helpful and nice. Love you all -Ellen<3

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