Be my friend, please?

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I woke up and sat on the side of my bed, rubbing my face to see how late it was. 5am I could sleep some more but when I wake up and try to sleep again, I always fail. Zoe was still sleeping, my mom was already gone for work. I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw that my hair was messy. ~I really need to shower since I went straight to bed after dinner yesterday~ I went to the bathroom and took a nice warm shower, I felt it burn a little on my wounds I have from that fight.

My black eye wasn't fully gone yet, but I don't really care. I got out of the shower and I put on some clothes, I always wear black and red. Since that are my favorite colors. I sat down on the couch and sighed, I hate it when my mom has to work early. Because then I have to go to the station with my bike, and I'm so lazy. I took my phone and scrolled through facebook, and in my friend suggestions I saw Caspar Lee. But I didn't send a friend request because I don't want to look like a stalker, he'll probably stop trying to become friends with me because I'm so boring. I made Zoe coffee and we still had some pie left from yesterday, it was only one piece but I put it on a plate for her. I left her a note: Hey Zoe, thanks for taking care of my bruises yesterday. I tought I'd do something in return, enjoy your breakfast. ;)

It was time to leave and I took my schoolbag, got on my bike and headed over to the station. I put in my headphones as usual, and when I got to the bench where I always sit I saw a sticky note. I chuckled and read it: Why can't we just be friends? -Caspar

I read it twice and I felt so sad, my face was an open book. He was staring at me, but I didn't look back. The train arrived and I got on it as fast as possible, I felt tears coming in my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and looked outside, I feel horrible.
Caspar pov: I wish I could just talk to him, but how? I mean we have the sticky notes but I want to hear his voice, I want to know more about him. He's a mysterious person, even though his face is an open book sometimes. The train stopped at where I needed to get off, I saw Joe walking fast and I felt sad. I just want him to be my friend, because he's the only interesting person in my class. And we have every subject together, how often does that happen? I arrived at school and ofcorse Joe was sitting alone with his music, I did the same as him. But I did have one other friend who is always there for me, Jim. So I went to him. "Hey Caspar!" 'Hey Jim, do you have some time to talk?' "Yeah sure!" He stood up and we walked around, he knew everything about me. "So what's up?" 'Well Jim, there's this boy in my class. His name is Joe and I want to be friends with him but the only way we communicate is with sticky notes, he doesn't want to talk to me.' Jim looks a little confused at me but tought about it "Well that means he's probably not very social, so just go with it for now and you can build up a nice friendship." I nodded and he smiled at me. The bell rings we go to our classes and Joe walks in before me and leaves a sticky note on my desk: Thanks for getting me out of detention yesterday, and about the friend thing. I'm not really good with people, so I don't know. Sorry. -Joe

I put the note away and payed attention to the teacher, but then things got bad. While the teacher wasn't looking a guy threw a paper ball at Joe. Joe didn't do anything.
Joe pov: I saw the paper ball, first I tought to just leave it there but I picked it up and read it. You act like you're all tough but you're just a stupid loser, if you ever mess with us again we'll beat you up for sure. So stay away from us, fag!

I clenched my fists and stood up, I was shaking and I felt sick. 'Uhm.. teacher c-can I go to the bathroom p-please?' My face turned pale and the teacher let me go. I ran out and went to the bathroom, I locked myself in a stall and I started throwing up. I was shaking really hard and I just lost it, I started crying. ~I tought my panic disorder was over?!~ I stayed there for a while till I heard someone running in "Joe?! Are you okay?" It was Caspar, I felt around in my pocket and found my sticky notes. I shoved them from under the stall, it was like Caspar knew this was coming. He had a pen with him. Joe, what happened? -C
I have a panic disorder, I tought it was gone when I was 16 but no. Those guys called me names and made fun of me.-J

I heard Caspar sigh and I saw he was sitting with his back against the stall door, I did the same thing so that we were (kind of) back to back. "Joe, I would love to hear your voice once." Caspar's voice was so calm, it helped me. I took out another sticky note: Maybe later, when we have a stronger bond.-J Caspar read it and chuckled. I stood up and Caspar did too, I open the stall door and Caspar pulls me in to a hug. My eyes widened, but I kept hugging him and I cried a little. He looked at me and I wiped my tears away. "I'll tell the teacher you'll be skipping his class." I just nodded and gave him a weak smile, I washed my face and drank some water. The bell rang for the second period and I went to the classroom, we have history now. Caspar turned around and gave me another sticky note: Everything okay?-C I reply with: I guess so.-J

He put the note away and I payed attention to what the teacher was going on about, I kept looking at the clock.
-time skip to lunchtime-

I sat outside with nothing to eat, I didn't feel like eating. Caspar saw me and came to me "Got nothing to eat?" I shaked my head. He gave me one of his sandwiches but I declined, he gave me a grumpy look and just shoved it in my mouth. I almost choked on it but I took a bite, my mouth was empty and I started laughing a bit. But I covered my mouth to stop laughing, I saw Caspar smiling at me. "Why won't you talk to me?" I took out my sticky notes and wrote: Everything I say can be used against me. Everything I do can be used against me. I am a wreck, I don't want to drag other people down with me. I'm scared of getting hurt Caspar. And I'm scared of hurting others. I gave him the note he read it and looked at me. "Okay Joe, but I will do everything to make you talk to me. And don't even think of trying to stop me." He winked and I just finished the sandwich. What have I gotten myself into?

Sticky notes (a Jaspar fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now