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     The constant ringing of her house phone was what brought Talinda out of her daze. She had just been fired from her job, which wasn't anything special, but it paid the bills. She lived in the wizarding world, but she did a pretty basic job; a job a muggle could probably do.

     Since she was a muggle-born, she had many muggle things in her flat, which included a house phone. Groaning to herself, Talinda stood from her couch and made her way into the kitchen where her phone was located. Well, she had two, but the other one was in her bedroom, which happened to be all the way across the flat.

"Hello?" She questioned, as she brought the phone to her ear.

"Tally? It's me, Franky," Her sister replied, causing the younger girl to smile slightly.

"Hey, Franky. What's up?" She asked, and immediately frowned when she heard her older sister sigh.

"Tally, I'm in prison," Franky said, causing the younger girl's eyes to widen.

"What the fuck, Franky? How the hell did you end up in prison?" Talinda asked, running her fingers through her hair.

"I'm surprised you don't already know, it was all over the fucking news," Franky commented, causing the little sister to roll her eyes.

"I'm not even in Australia, Franky. Besides, there isn't tv news in the wizarding world," The younger girl retorted, causing her sister to scoff.

"Careful what you say, never know if they're recording," Franky replied, before sighing slightly,"I threw burning hot oil into Mike Penisi's face," She stated, as her sister simply shook her head.

"Fuck, Franky. You couldn't just let it go, could you? How long do you got?" Talinda asked, causing the older girl to go quiet for a moment.

"Seven years, but I'm hoping to get out early on parole," Franky answered, trying to chill her little sister.

"Franky," Talinda cried,"seven fucking years. You'll be in there for so long," She added, as her older sister simply held in her tears.

"Well, for the time I'm in here, I need you to live your life to the fullest for me. Ya know, finally find yourself a hot date, maybe pop out a kid or two," Franky joked, but all Talinda could manage was a sad laugh.

"I'll try, but I really wanted you to be a part of my life, especially if I had kids. They'd need to be around their aunt Franky," Talinda commented, as Franky simply chuckled.

"It'll all be fine, love. I'll call every chance I get, and I expect a few visits as well. Don't get into any trouble, Tally," Franky said, and Talinda smiled sadly.

"I'll visit when I'm able, and I promise to stay out of trouble," She replied, wiping tears from her cheeks.

"I love you, Tally," Franky murmured, not wanting other inmates to hear anything, especially if it could be used against her.

"I love you, Franky. Be safe," Talida said, before hanging up her phone.

      Talinda held her head in her hands and cried for a moment, before running her fingers through her hair with a deep sigh. She needed to get away, but everything was just getting worse. After the first wizarding war, everything seemed to continue to go downhill, as if a wizarding war wasn't enough already. Death Eaters were still around, but luckily Talinda was able to avoid them, or fight them off when she needed to do so.

     Talinda needed her life to finally go back on track, but after the call with Franky, she doubted anything would go back to normal. She missed her childhood, though the only good thing in it was Franky. Her mother was terrible, and her father wasn't around. Her father left when she was just a few months old, leaving her and Franky with their crazy mother.

      Their mother blamed them for their father leaving, so she practically tortured them for it. The girls wished for a better life, but they knew it would never happen. Franky was so happy when Talinda had been accepted into Hogwarts. She was sad that her little sister would be gone for so long, but she was happy that the younger girl would be away from their mistreatment at home.

      Over the years, Talinda would tell Franky everything that happened at Hogwarts, even if Franky was totally clueless about most of it. Franky loved listening to everything her sister would tell her, even if she got a little annoying at times. When their mother would hear Talinda talking about Hogwarts though, she'd punish her and call her a disgrace.

       Franky loved Talinda, even though she was a witch. The more Talinda learned, the more she became proud of herself. Franky was soon going to graduate by the time Talinda started going to Hogwarts, that didn't stop the older girl from listening to everything the younger girl had to say. She would listen to Talinda for hours, even if she had a massive test the next day or mounds of homework.

       The final year of Hogwarts was when Talinda had to prepare for the impending wizarding war. She remembered all the sleepless nights and the thoughts of terror that ran through so many people. She remembered the countless amounts of bullying she recieved from the other Slytherins, but she ignored that indefinitely. She was proud of her house colors, even if her house didn't seem that proud of having her.

       Her only friend was Regulus Black, but he didn't let many people know about their friendship. The only person who knew was a younger Slytherin, but the younger boy was scared of Regulus and didn't dare tell another soul. When Regulus died, Talinda was distraught. She had called Franky in tears, telling her older sister what had happened, but all the older girl could do was tell her that she would be alright, there wasn't many assuring words to be said.

       Now though, Franky wasn't there to assure Talinda that everything was going to get better. Franky had just dropped news on the young girl that seemed to ruin her life. She hoped that something would come along and change it, but she doubted anything would ever fix any of the problems going on in her life. She believed things were going to slowly get worse...


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter. I know Wentworth did not take place at the same time as the Marauders younger years, but I changed it up a bit for the story itself. Also, Talinda and Franky are five years apart, meaning in season six when Fraky is said to be twenty nine, Talinda is Twenty four. So, right now, Talinda is soon to be twenty.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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