Chapter Twenty Eight

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     Talinda had a pep in her step when she walked into Wentworth to visit Frankie. The day after the date, Talinda had to go to the muggle hotel in Australia to visit her sister the next day. Talinda had decided to go by herself, since James needed to have time to talk with Sirius about something. James and Sirius were watching over Harry, promising they wouldn't act too childish and let Harry stay up late. James may have been Harry's father, but that didn't stop him from giving into Harry's every whim at times.

"You're in a good mood," Mr. Jackson commented, as he looked up at Talinda.

"Yes, I'm in a great mood. I had a date the other night," She replied, causing him to chuckle.

"I'm going to bet it was with the fella you brought with you to see Franky," He said, and Talinda blushed.

"It was. He surprised me with a date, and we brought his son. To be honest, I've never had such a good date in my life," Talinda answered, and Mr. Jackson smiled.

      Mr. Jackson may have been in a bad mood, but Talinda always seemed to brighten a room when she walked in, especially at the correctional facility. At times, even some of the inmates would smile when they heard the girl laugh.

"I-uh--I couldn't help but see that you're not doing so well. Is something wrong, Mr. Jackson?" Talinda asked, causing the man to sigh.

"I-it's nothing," He replied, and she frowned.

"Mr. Jackson, you might not know me well, and I know I'm a sister to an inmate, but I'm always here if you want to talk," Talinda offered, causing Mr. Jackson to nod.

"Right, thank you, Tally," He answered, before opening the door to allow Talinda in to see her sister.

      Talinda ran forward and hugged Franky as soon as she was close to her sister. Franky laughed happily, as she held her sister close to her.

"Hey, Tally, where's James?" Franky asked, as she and Talinda sat down at a table.

"Oh, he's at home with Harry and Sirius. They needed guy time, especially since they hadn't really gotten much guy time in a while," Talinda replied, and Franky chuckled.

"You're glowing," Franky commented, causing Talinda to blush.

"James took me on a date the other day. We brought Harry with us, and it was absolutely perfect. H-he even kissed me, and swore that he wasn't going to regret it. I decided he could have guy time, while I came to visit you, so he could talk to Sirius, ya know?" Talinda voiced, and Franky nodded.

"Oh, I get it," Franky replied, before a grin overtook her face,"I can't believe you finally went on a date. I can just feel the  relationship being perfect. Soon, you'll be getting married and having a bub of your own. I'm so proud of you, Tally," Franky gushed, causing Talinda to blush once again.

"Enough about me. What's been going on here?" Talinda asked, making Franky blow out a puff of air and sit back in her seat with a sigh.

"We have a new governor, and she's a real bitch. After Mrs. Jackson was kil--taken out during a riot, a new governor was appointed. This woman, she's terrible. Honestly, I can't wait until she's gone. There's just something about her, ya know? I have a feeling she's going to cause more problems for everyone," Franky complained, causing Talinda to shake her head.

"Well, I can only hope she doesn't cause you anymore problems," Talinda replied, and Franky nodded.

      Talinda felt eyes on her, causing her to look over and see a redhead looking at her.

"Who's that?" Talinda asked, causing Franky to look at the redhead.

"Bea Smith. She's the newest here; hasn't really caught on to all of the top dog shit yet, but I'm handling it," Franky replied, making Talinda sigh.

"Don't get yourself in more trouble, Franky," Talinda murmured, making Franky smirk.

"Don't worry, little sister, I'm all about fair play," She joked, before turning around and waving over a big girl,"Why don't you meet Boomer. She's a nice gal," She said, as the girl walked over.

"Hey, Booms, meet my sister--" Franky began, before Boomer cut her off.

"Tally! I-I remember you telling me about her," Boomer said, a smile on her face,"Hey, I'm Boomer, it's great to finally meet you. Franky talks about you a whole lot. I-I've always wanted to meet you, and I'm really honored. It's like I'm meeting a celebrity," Boomer gushed, and Talinda smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, too, Boomer. Franky told me a lot about you as well. I have to say, you're prettier than she told me," Talinda commented, causing Boomer to blush lightly.

"Oh, thank you. D-do you really think I'm pretty? You're way prettier than I am-- you're hot! I mean--" Boomer rambled, before Franky cut her off.

"Hey, Booms, go tell nosy Smith to quit looking at my sister. She's creeping Tally out," Franky said, and Boomer nodded.

"Absolutely, I'll take care of her," Boomer replied, cracking her knuckles as she folds them into fists.

"No, Boomer--" Talinda began, before Boomer cut her off.

"No, I will handle her. I don't want you feeling creeped out by Bea Smith. She's been causing us problems ever since she got here. She needs to learn her place, and she needs to learn who the top dog is," Boomer stated, before stalking off.

"I need to go before my presence causes anymore trouble. I'll see you again soon, Franky," Talinda said, hugging her sister.

"You better visit with James or Sirius next time, I'd like to meet him. Maybe Harry sometime soon, but I don't know, since the new governor is a real bitch," Franky commented, and Talinda nodded.

"I'll see what I can do. I love you, Franky," Talinda replied, smiling sadly at Franky.

"I love you, too, Tally. Stay safe," Franky murmured, before Talinda walked away.

     Every time Talinda had to leave Franky, it made her heart break just a little. Talinda wished she didn't have to leave her sister behind, but she knew Franky had to serve her sentence, even if Talinda though it was ridiculous...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, do you guys want a smut chapter? I also have a few more ideas in mind. What if there was paris??*wink wink*

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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