Chapter Twenty Four

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    Harry had climbed out of his bed at six in the morning to look for his dad. When he walked into James's room and didn't see him, his eyebrows furrowed but he didn't worry too much. He scampered back towards his room, but once he was by his room he remembered that Talinda's room was close to his. He walked further down the hall and peeked into her room. His eyes widened when he seen Talinda and his dad sleeping in the same room. With a grin on his face, he gripped the blankets on Talinda's bed and climbed his way up. He had a bit of difficulty, but the chest at the end of her bed made it easier for him to climb since it gave him a place to rest his foot and give himself a boost.

      Once he was in the bed, he crawled all the way up and laid himself between his father and Talinda. There wasn't much room, but there was enough for his little body to squeeze and not be squished too bad. He grabbed the blanket that was wrapped around the two adults and pulled it up to his shoulders, successfully cocooning himself between them and keeping himself warm. He ended up falling back to sleep for a while because of how warm and safe he felt in his little area on the bed.

       Talinda rolled over and rubbed her eyes as she yawned quietly. She remembered James falling asleep in her room late last night, so she tried to stay as quiet as possible to let the guy sleep for a bit longer. Squinting when the sun hit her eyes, she blinked rapidly for a moment to adjust to the lighting in the room. Her eyebrows furrowed when she felt the small body laying next to her. James wasn't smaller than her, so she knew it wasn't him. She quickly looked down and smiled when she seen Harry snuggled in between her and James on the bed with the blanket securely around his little body.

    She slowly moved to get out of bed, hoping to not wake either of the boys, but she was unsuccessful in her efforts. Harry's eyes cracked open when she moved the slightest bit off the bed. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, before sitting up and smiling sleepily at Talinda. His hair was wild on his head, looking as though he had slept like a wild man, but his hair seemed to always look wild as it got longer.

"Mornin'," Harry said, his voice being a little too high for James.

     James turned over in the bed, catching Talinda and Harry's attention. Harry turned around to mess with James, but Talinda caught his attention before he could wake his father up.

"Let's go make breakfast for Daddy, yeah?" She suggested, and the boy quickly nodded.

     Talinda helped Harry off of the bed, before he followed her out to the kitchen. As she gathered the ingredients, Harry grabbed his little apron and slid it over his head. Talinda allowed Harry to help her do most of the cooking, except for when she pulled the scones out of the oven. She and Harry had made blueberry scones with vanilla icing. She knew something sweet would make James feel better when he woke up. When the scones came out of the oven, she was greeted by Sirius and Remus.

"Is James awake?" Sirius asked, after greeting Harry and Talinda.

"No, he's still asleep," She replied, watching him head towards the other room to wake James.

     Instead of stopping him and possibly causing a problem, she allowed the man to walk out of the room to wake James. When he came back without James, Remus looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Where's Prongs?" Remus asked, causing Sirius to shrug.

"Tally, I thought you said he was still asleep. He's not in his room," Sirius commented, making the girl smile sheepishly.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that he's in my room," She replied, pushing him out of the room for him to wake James again.

"Why?" Remus asked, and the girl sighed.

"I'd rather he explained it to you," She answered, causing the werewolf to nod.

      James and Sirius came to the kitchen soon after and began to eat breakfast with everyone else. Once breakfast was over, Talinda helped Harry wash up, before she allowed him to go play with his toys.

"I'm going to let you get ready for work. Let me know when you leave," Talinda said, before she left the room to pick Harry out an outfit for the day.

"What happened, Prongs?" Sirius asked, causing the Potter man to sigh.

"I had a dream about Lily last night. She was mad at me for leaving Tally in such a conundrum. She said Harry and I should be happy, and that we deserve Tally. She was disappointed in me for the way I treated Tally," James said, and his friends listened quietly.

"So, is that why you were in her room?" Remus asked, but the boy shook his head.

"No, she came to me and woke me up. The dream had upset me. When she went back to her room and I fell asleep again, I had an even worse dream. I dreamt that she and Lily were both gone, not just Lily anymore. In the dream, they blamed me for everything. Tally blamed me, and I had to watch her...When I woke up, I had to make sure she and Harry were alright. She let me lay in her bed and talk, but I fell asleep," James informed them, as he ran his fingers through his unruly hair.

"Did you sleep better?" Sirius asked, causing his friend to bite his lip.

"Yes," He revealed, which made his friends smile,"but this was a one time thing. It won't happen again, I can almost guarantee it," He replied, which his friends didn't believe.

       James also told them about Harry being in the bed, since he had woken up for a moment before Harry or Talinda when he felt Harry grab his arm accidentally when he accidentally thought it was the blanket. James felt butterflies in his stomach when he thought about it, but he didn't want Harry getting use to something like this. He doubted he could ever let a relationship happen between him and Talinda, even if Lily had come to him and told him to move on...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I made it short, sweet, and to the point. What did you guys think?!

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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