Chapter Twenty Five

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     One night turned into two, then into a week, than into two weeks, and so on. James had a hard time sleeping when Talinda wasn't around. He didn't understand why, but he slept a lot better when Talinda was in the same bed as him. In the first week, James would try to sleep in his own bed, then he'd wake from a nightmare that scared him so bad, he'd run straight to Talinda's room. She would wake up and invite him into her bed, where he'd fall asleep and wouldn't wake anymore from terrible nightmares. After the first week, James would just invite Talinda to sleep in his room with him, or he'd follow her to her room to sleep. Most nights though, he chose his own room, since his room had a better mattress.

    With Talinda always staying in James's room, Sirius and Remus would often take her old one. In reality, her "room" was mostly for her clothes, since she really didn't sleep in there anymore. Harry had just began to realize that Tabitha was sleeping in his father's room, but he didn't really know why. When he had asked Remus, Remus told him that they were having a "sleepover." In reality, their nights were innocent, since James hadn't worked up the courage to change it, so Harry believed it was a sleepover. He actually planned to have a sleepover in James's room with them soon.

      Franky had heard about the "sleepovers," and she was ecstatic. She believed this was a step towards Talinda and James getting into a real relationship. Franky was the biggest fan of a relationship that wasn't even real. Talinda doubted James actually wanted anything to do with her when it came to a relationship. He may actually like her, but she believed it was only in the friend way. Sure, the two spent a little bit of a night together, but Talinda really didn't believe it meant anything.

"I missed too many days at work," Talinda said, as she cooked breakfast for herself, Harry, James, Sirius, and Remus.

"Well, what do they expect? You almost met your demise, and we're still trying to figure out every hex you were hit with, and how much permanent or longterm damage was caused," Remus commented, causing the girl to shrug.

"I don't know, but I got an owl yesterday while you all were working. They said if I missed one more day, I'd lose my job," Talinda replied, as the boys shook their heads.

"Well, in that case, we all better stay healthy, otherwise Tally will lose her job," Sirius answered, smirking slightly.

     Talinda had been the one to heal the guys anytime they came home from work and were hurt. Being an Auror wasn't easy, so Talinda understood why they were hurt so often. She didn't complain when she had to heal them, nor did she complain when she made dinner each night for them. Honestly, it was easier to be a stay at home "mum," to all four of them, than it was to work somewhere in a real work environment.

"Honestly, if I had a better option, I would just quit my job and get another job," Talinda commented, placing plates in front of the four boys sitting at the kitchen table.

"You could always just work as a live-in babysitter, Tally. Harry would love to be able to stay at home without one of us having to say home to watch him," Sirius said, causing the girl to chuckle.

"He's right, Tally. You can be paid for it, of course, and it'll be easier on you," James added, and the girl bit her lip.

"Are you sure you want me to do that?" Talinda asked, causing James to nod.

"It'll be safer for you, and easier for all of us. Honestly, Talinda, take this deal," James said, as Remus and Sirius nodded in encouragement.

"Fine, but I have to go and tell them I quit, and--" Talinda began, before Remus cut her off.

"I can go. I have to pick up some things anyway, so I can go to Zonko's for you," He offered, and she smiled.

"That would be very nice of you," Talinda replied, causing Remus to smile at her, too.

        Talinda pulled out some parchment and wrote a quick letter, giving up her position at Zonko's. She handed the paper to Remus and he pocketed it in his coat. After breakfast, Sirius helped Talinda with cleaning up the kitchen, and James went and helped Harry get dressed. Though Harry wasn't going anywhere, James wanted him to always be ready in case they had to leave or go somewhere very fast.

"So, you and James. Has anything happened, progressed maybe?" Sirius asked, hinting for an advance in their relationship like Franky was.

"Like I've been telling Franky, nothing has happened between James and I. We just share a bed every night to keep James from having nightmares," Talinda replied, causing Sirius to scoff.

"You two are hopeless. Literally every day you two are together, I swear you grow closer.  I wouldn't be surprised if you two weren't married in the next year," Sirius commented, and the girl rolled her eyes.

"That's not going to happen, Sirius, I can promise you. He's not interested in me like that. That night at the hotel--that was a mistake. James regretted it as soon as it happened. I'm not going to push anything on him, Sirius. I care for him and Harry, but I'm not going to force anything on him," Talinda explained, making Sirius frown.

"I know, but maybe you should try, Talinda. I want you both to be happy. I want Harry to be happy. The three of you deserve happiness, and I think you will find it in each other. Please, make yourself and them happy," Sirius said, and Talinda sighed.

"I might not be the one to make him happy, Sirius. He may not accept me," She murmured, making him smile encouragingly at her.

"I will help you out, don't worry. Maybe I can be the one to push the two of you closer," He replied, smirking at the girl.

    Talinda wasn't sure she and James were meant to be, but it seemed Sirius was adamant, and so was Franky...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I have took a few days to update, but I'll try to update more than once every week or two.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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