Chapter Ten

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     Sirius, Remus, and James had left about an hour after they dropped of Harry. James was still a bit reluctant, but Sirius and Remus would not let him back out on the guys' night. Besides, the duo knew Talinda had everything covered and there was nothing to worry about, besides James of course, he was an open possibility of anything happening.

      Anyhow, about twenty minutes after the trio of men had left, Talinda brought Harry into the kitchen to help her make cupcakes. She decided the cupcakes had to be made first, so they could be cooled and have icing on them by the time she and Harry were done eating dinner.

"Can I taste?" Harry asked, looking down at the cupcake batter.

"Sure, but not too much. We've got to make twenty four cupcakes," Talinda replied, and Harry nodded enthusiastically.

        Once Harry had tasted the batter, he and Talinda began to scoop it into cupcake papers. After all twenty four papers were filled, Talinda placed them in the oven and set a timer for thirty minutes.

"While those bake, you can help me make spaghetti for dinner," Talinda said, and Harry nodded again.

     Talinda browned the meat and drained the grease, before allowing Harry to help her make the sauce and noodles. While browning the meat though, she had allowed him to add seasonings that would make the spaghetti extra tasty.

"Would you like garlic bread with your spaghetti or cheese bread?" Talinda asked, and Harry bit his lip, looking up at her with big doe eyes.

"Both?" He answered, and she laughed lightly.

"Fine, but I have to pull the cupcakes out first," She replied, and he nodded.

       Talinda quickly pulled the cupcakes out of the oven and placed them down on a rack to cool, before placing four pieces of bread on a baking sheet. She spread butter on to the bread, before sprinkling garlic powder and shredded mozzarella cheese on top. Once the bread was ready, she placed it in the oven to heat up.

"The bread will be ready in five minutes. Would you like to try the sauce?" She asked, causing Harry to nod quickly.

       Grabbing a spoon, she scooped some of the sauce up, and handed the spoon to Harry. A bit of the sauce fell on to the counter and his shirt, but he simply laughed and placed the spoon in his mouth.

"Yummy!" He exclaimed, handing the spoon back to Talinda.

        Moments later, the noodles and bread were ready. She strained the noodles and pulled the bread out of the oven, before turning towards Harry with a big smile on her face.

"Are you ready to try the dinner you made?" She asked, and he nodded.

"Cupcakes?" He asked, pointing towards the almost cooled cupcakes.

"We'll put icing and sprinkles on them when we're done eating," She answered, and he nodded.

     Harry sat down at the table, as Talinda fixed him a small bowl of spaghetti, and a slightly bigger bowl for herself. She grabbed two forks and the bread, before placing everything on the table. Harry grabbed the bread first, taking a rather large bite out of it.

"Is it good?" Talinda asked, and the young boy nodded.

"Very good," He answered, food still filling his cheeks.

"You can dip your bread in your spaghetti. It'll taste even better," Talinda said, showing him how to dip his bread.

       Harry opened his mouth for her to let him try her bread, causing her to laugh lightly. She quickly dipped her bread once again, and allowed him to take a bite. A smile graced his face as he chewed the bite of her bread.

        Once the duo was finished eating, Talinda packed up the leftovers and put them away, before grabbing the icing and sprinkles. She allowed Harry to do most of the icing, even though he had a bit a trouble. To tell the truth, he and Talinda were covered in icing by the time they were finished with it. She then allowed Harry to do the sprinkles, which ended up all over the floor and table.

"Would you like to try one of your cupcakes?" Talinda asked, causing Harry to nod quickly.

      Talinda pulled the paper off of a cupcake, then handed the cupcake to Harry. Harry took a bite out of the cupcake, smearing more icing on to his nose. As he ate the cupcake, his eyes lit up and he giggled happily. Once he and Talinda ate a cupcake or two, she decided it was time for her to clean up. She quickly waved her wand, causing the mess to clean itself up, as well as her dishes.

"Time for a bath!" She exclaimed, and Harry frowned.

     Harry didn't like taking a bath, since that meant it was close to bed time. He shook his head, causing Talinda to frown as well.

"If you take a bath, I'll let you stay up on the couch with me and read a bedtime story," Talinda said, causing the boy to nod.

       Talinda quickly grabbed Harry's bag of clothes, before she brought the boy into her bathroom to clean him up. After washing his hair and body, Talinda allowed him to play in the water with some bubbles and toys, as she cleaned her face and arms with a wet rag.

       After the bath, Talinda brought Harry into her room to change. Since Harry was still little, he couldn't really change himself, so Talinda had to help him. His hair was quite messy, but Talinda still brushed it down to try and tame it.

"Go find a toy to sleep with, while I change into pajamas, yeah?" She commented, and Harry nodded.

       He ran out of the room to find a toy, as Talinda quickly changed her clothes and threw her dirty ones in her laundry basket. Once she was changed, she grabbed the book she had bought for Harry, The Tales of Beedle and Bard, before she made her way into the living room. Harry walked in soon after with a small, stuffed dragon. He walked over and crawled on to the couch with Talinda, snuggling himself close to her chest, causing her to sit with her legs up on the couch, laid back, so he would be comfortable.

"Which story do you want to hear, The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, The Fountain of Fair Fortune, The Warlock's Hairy Heart, Babbitty Rabbitty and Her Cackling Stump, or The Tale of the Three Brothers?" Talinda asked, looking down at Harry.

"Three brothers," He answered, yawning slightly.

      Talinda smiled softly, before she began to read the story. As the story went on, she could feel herself becoming tired. After finishing the story, she looked down to see that Harry was sound asleep. She placed the book down on the table by the couch, before taking her wand and to summon a large blanket. She laid it over her and Harry, before placing her wand down on the table as well and closing her eyes.

       About two hours later, unbeknownst to her and Harry, Remus arrived to check on them. He knew James would be thankful for it, but the sight he seen made him smile softly. This woman really was someone who would be good for James and Harry, he just knew it. He quickly whipped out a muggle camera and took a picture, before he disappeared to keep from disturbing the sleeping two...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. The next chapter will be soon, probably tomorrow, but what do you guys think of Harry and Talinda's friendship? Do you guys think James will finally get the courage to move on from Lily?

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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